It was so good to see and talk to you. I really have felt the spirit a lot this week. I did get the chance to call Carlee and she sounded so good. She is loving life and is happy. I was a little bit forceful about her needing to go to the temple every week. so i guess in turn i should tell everyone who is in reach of this email to go to the temple every single week (if you have a recomend that is) especially if you live in Utah or where a temple is close. There are so many of these wonderful saints out here that are an hour or two from they're precious Temple that go faithfully once or sometimes twice a week just to serve and draw closer to the reason why we're even existing on this earth today. Thank you for your many prayers, they are felt everyday.
Love Elder Porter
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 32
My sweet family! What thrill it was to hear from each of you! I don't think I realized how needed it truly was until I feeling the after affects. I am still feeling them! I'm so thankful for each of you. For your testimonies and for your natural ability to love. What a gift! Thank you thank you for loving so freely and easily.
I cant believe my dad is sick! That is unheard of. Maybe he needs to take it easy for awhile. The lord is probably telling him to cool it. Or the weather is just bad.... ha. Either way I hope he is feeling better and back to his happy, healthy self in no time. Take more vitamins! Oh dear, I should probably take my own advice. Dad, you just keep on keeping on and let your light shine ever so brightly:)
Well, my goodness, what can I share with you this week. It just has been such a wonderful time this Christmas season, I can hardly stand thinking about it ending but I'm excited to start a new year. New goals, a new month, new plans, just fresh! I love it. I'm thrilled however with all that has happened thus far. What a wonderful year 2010 was. Many sweet experiences and life changing events. I truly feel as though Miracles are becoming the norm. I witness them every day. It becomes more and more apparent to me at how close the lord truly is to each of his children. That he uses each of us to bring about his eternal purposes. That he does nothing save it be for our benefit and if we will just exercise our faith in him and take our steps that he will lead and guide us, walk beside us, and help us find the way. Because he is the way. It has all been prepared. The foundation is layed, Lets do those things that he has asked us and claim our reward! Oh the rewards. The rewards of a righteous life are beyond anything that we can imagine. If we'll just trust him and walk with him our purpose will begin to be fulfilled. Men are that they might have joy. We have joy when we're doing what the lord would have us do. How simple. Not always easy when you toss the natural man into the mix but there is where our learning experiences come into play. Learning to put off the natural man, becoming a saint through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. What a sweet time it is to renew our efforts to become a little more Christlike, a little bit better. Set some goals, pray for strength and help as you try to accomplish them. He will send the tender mercies and miracles needed to bring that peace and joy necessary to be happy. Align your will with his and watch the blessings flow freely in living a consecrated life.
I love each of you more than I can say. Thank you again for your prayers of love and support. Oh how truly needed they are. Have a wonderful week! I hope to hear from you soon!
I cant believe my dad is sick! That is unheard of. Maybe he needs to take it easy for awhile. The lord is probably telling him to cool it. Or the weather is just bad.... ha. Either way I hope he is feeling better and back to his happy, healthy self in no time. Take more vitamins! Oh dear, I should probably take my own advice. Dad, you just keep on keeping on and let your light shine ever so brightly:)
Well, my goodness, what can I share with you this week. It just has been such a wonderful time this Christmas season, I can hardly stand thinking about it ending but I'm excited to start a new year. New goals, a new month, new plans, just fresh! I love it. I'm thrilled however with all that has happened thus far. What a wonderful year 2010 was. Many sweet experiences and life changing events. I truly feel as though Miracles are becoming the norm. I witness them every day. It becomes more and more apparent to me at how close the lord truly is to each of his children. That he uses each of us to bring about his eternal purposes. That he does nothing save it be for our benefit and if we will just exercise our faith in him and take our steps that he will lead and guide us, walk beside us, and help us find the way. Because he is the way. It has all been prepared. The foundation is layed, Lets do those things that he has asked us and claim our reward! Oh the rewards. The rewards of a righteous life are beyond anything that we can imagine. If we'll just trust him and walk with him our purpose will begin to be fulfilled. Men are that they might have joy. We have joy when we're doing what the lord would have us do. How simple. Not always easy when you toss the natural man into the mix but there is where our learning experiences come into play. Learning to put off the natural man, becoming a saint through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. What a sweet time it is to renew our efforts to become a little more Christlike, a little bit better. Set some goals, pray for strength and help as you try to accomplish them. He will send the tender mercies and miracles needed to bring that peace and joy necessary to be happy. Align your will with his and watch the blessings flow freely in living a consecrated life.
I love each of you more than I can say. Thank you again for your prayers of love and support. Oh how truly needed they are. Have a wonderful week! I hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Lance Letter 12.20.10
I CAN SKYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we just got word that we could skype our don't know how thats gonna work but just let me know if thats possible. sooo.....yep i'm stayin in good ol cupertino where all the wonderful little asian people dwell and look the other way when we come along hahaha...just jokin ...but seriously they do.
no baptisms from my part as of yet, so that another reason why i'm staying, we got a lot of work to do. It's a little rough with elder reay as you know, not workin as hard as we could be...but everyday is a learning experience. i'm sure excited to hear from my kindred this week. I spaced that you guys were in cali this past week...enjoy the weather?? haha yes i was biking in that. We are currently teaching the Recto family and boy is the husband tough. The wife is a star. she's a convert and goes to the temple every single week by her self. Their daughter is super less active and Peter(the dad) has been taking the lessons since 1996.......
it blows my mind that he wont let go of a lil pride and get sealed to his family for time and all eternity. He's a way nice guy. Just a joke when it comes to his own selfishness. hahaha i just sit back and laugh when he makes up the lammmest excuses why he wont get off his trash and get baptized so he can have the fullness of joy we all seek. And non recieve that joy unless they submit themselves to the enticings of the holy ghost. it;s crazy they don't see that! in fact its frustrating!!! well we're going over to their house tonight, hopfully he comes around. Others we are teaching are pretty similar, just making up dumb excuses to meet with us. you know what...they;re just scared..scared cause they know its true and they're afraid to have that sudden change of life. because it is life changing!!! of course it's gonna be life changing!! because it's true!!!! if it wasn't true then it wouldn't be life changing!!!! Man.....sometimes you wonder about peoples sanity...i mean i know i;m a little crazy, but to reject the wisperings of the spirit is insane haha. sorry i get a little bit worked up about this.....but anyways..i love you all and i'm gonna hear and hopfully see you Saturday around 6 or 7 pm cause thats when this nice family is feeding us and letting us skype. I'm prayin for bryce like crazy. and honestly if he doesn't pass then sweet he can focus on serving the Lord the rest of his life. sign him up for the next stake president opening or seventy interview, he'll do a good job at either one of those....ha....if only it worked like that.
Welp i'll talk to you in a few days.
Love Lance
no baptisms from my part as of yet, so that another reason why i'm staying, we got a lot of work to do. It's a little rough with elder reay as you know, not workin as hard as we could be...but everyday is a learning experience. i'm sure excited to hear from my kindred this week. I spaced that you guys were in cali this past week...enjoy the weather?? haha yes i was biking in that. We are currently teaching the Recto family and boy is the husband tough. The wife is a star. she's a convert and goes to the temple every single week by her self. Their daughter is super less active and Peter(the dad) has been taking the lessons since 1996.......
it blows my mind that he wont let go of a lil pride and get sealed to his family for time and all eternity. He's a way nice guy. Just a joke when it comes to his own selfishness. hahaha i just sit back and laugh when he makes up the lammmest excuses why he wont get off his trash and get baptized so he can have the fullness of joy we all seek. And non recieve that joy unless they submit themselves to the enticings of the holy ghost. it;s crazy they don't see that! in fact its frustrating!!! well we're going over to their house tonight, hopfully he comes around. Others we are teaching are pretty similar, just making up dumb excuses to meet with us. you know what...they;re just scared..scared cause they know its true and they're afraid to have that sudden change of life. because it is life changing!!! of course it's gonna be life changing!! because it's true!!!! if it wasn't true then it wouldn't be life changing!!!! Man.....sometimes you wonder about peoples sanity...i mean i know i;m a little crazy, but to reject the wisperings of the spirit is insane haha. sorry i get a little bit worked up about this.....but anyways..i love you all and i'm gonna hear and hopfully see you Saturday around 6 or 7 pm cause thats when this nice family is feeding us and letting us skype. I'm prayin for bryce like crazy. and honestly if he doesn't pass then sweet he can focus on serving the Lord the rest of his life. sign him up for the next stake president opening or seventy interview, he'll do a good job at either one of those....ha....if only it worked like that.
Welp i'll talk to you in a few days.
Love Lance
Monday, December 20, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 31
Hello my sweet family!
Merry Merry Christmas! FELIZ NAVIDAD! Especially to all of those that I wont be speaking with on Christmas day. I thank each of you for your sweet cards and gifts. Wow, what a treat to hear how each of you are doing. I cant thank you enough.
How was Disneyland?! Oh I hope you took lots of pictures and that they're in the mail headed my way. I'm sure watching Lucy's face was classic. Was it a party?! I'm sorry the weather wasn't the greatest but it sounds like it didn't stop you from enjoying yourselves. Good good:)
Well my goodness. It seems like its been awhile since I last emailed. This last week was a sweet one and I'm excited to talk to you about it on the 25th! We don't have a lot of time right now to email but I'm hoping there will be at least an hour to write you after this.
I've experienced a lot of feelings this last week. All over the board. I think the strongest one however is gratitude. Gratitude for so many things. Gratitude for most things really. I'm so thankful for this transfer. Not in the way most people would see it as but I truly am thankful to a loving heavenly father that cares so much about the direction we're headed. About the place that we'll end up in. Not only after this life but here. Here on the earth! Our very purpose in coming to earth is to have Joy and happiness. How in the world could we experience happiness and joy if we didn't have opposition. If we didn't experience things that bring sadness and regret? How would we ever be able to appreciate the sweet things, the important things if we never experienced the bitter. Oh how thankful I am for the plan of Salvation. For the plan of Happiness. For our purpose here on earth. To learn and to progress. To understand that its only through our righteous actions that brings peace of mind and comfort to our souls. It is only through the atonement of our lord and savior Jesus Christ that we can truly understand what it means to be forgiven. I'm so thankful for the mercy that the atonement provides. For the very act of repentance and being forgiven. For starting anew. I'm so thankful for the pure love of Christ. I'm so thankful for my sweet family who strives each day to become better. Are you perfect? Heavens no! But what would the point of the atonement be if you were? What would the point be of coming here to earth? How perfect is the plan?! Its amazing and I'm so thankful for the blessings that we receive through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. For the knowledge that we have of these things. That we are loved more than any of us can imagine. That we are prayed over, and fought over. There indeed is a war that continues to go on. The war between good and evil. The natural man and the nature of happiness which is righteousness. Wow, it is tough. But we wouldn't make it if it were easy. Wheres the learning in easy things? Wheres the appreciation? Life is exactly as it should be. Whether we think its fair or not. Its perfect because It allows us to choose for ourselves. The way has been prepared and all we need to do is continually choose righteousness. We have been given the ultimate example. Jesus Christ and if we will just follow him. Build our foundation upon Christ and his teachings we cannot fall. No if, ands, or buts about it. Its perfect. I love you all and I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas as you remember the important things. Our purpose here and who provided the way, even Jesus Christ. I love each of you so much! Merry Christmas!
Hermana Porter
Merry Merry Christmas! FELIZ NAVIDAD! Especially to all of those that I wont be speaking with on Christmas day. I thank each of you for your sweet cards and gifts. Wow, what a treat to hear how each of you are doing. I cant thank you enough.
How was Disneyland?! Oh I hope you took lots of pictures and that they're in the mail headed my way. I'm sure watching Lucy's face was classic. Was it a party?! I'm sorry the weather wasn't the greatest but it sounds like it didn't stop you from enjoying yourselves. Good good:)
Well my goodness. It seems like its been awhile since I last emailed. This last week was a sweet one and I'm excited to talk to you about it on the 25th! We don't have a lot of time right now to email but I'm hoping there will be at least an hour to write you after this.
I've experienced a lot of feelings this last week. All over the board. I think the strongest one however is gratitude. Gratitude for so many things. Gratitude for most things really. I'm so thankful for this transfer. Not in the way most people would see it as but I truly am thankful to a loving heavenly father that cares so much about the direction we're headed. About the place that we'll end up in. Not only after this life but here. Here on the earth! Our very purpose in coming to earth is to have Joy and happiness. How in the world could we experience happiness and joy if we didn't have opposition. If we didn't experience things that bring sadness and regret? How would we ever be able to appreciate the sweet things, the important things if we never experienced the bitter. Oh how thankful I am for the plan of Salvation. For the plan of Happiness. For our purpose here on earth. To learn and to progress. To understand that its only through our righteous actions that brings peace of mind and comfort to our souls. It is only through the atonement of our lord and savior Jesus Christ that we can truly understand what it means to be forgiven. I'm so thankful for the mercy that the atonement provides. For the very act of repentance and being forgiven. For starting anew. I'm so thankful for the pure love of Christ. I'm so thankful for my sweet family who strives each day to become better. Are you perfect? Heavens no! But what would the point of the atonement be if you were? What would the point be of coming here to earth? How perfect is the plan?! Its amazing and I'm so thankful for the blessings that we receive through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. For the knowledge that we have of these things. That we are loved more than any of us can imagine. That we are prayed over, and fought over. There indeed is a war that continues to go on. The war between good and evil. The natural man and the nature of happiness which is righteousness. Wow, it is tough. But we wouldn't make it if it were easy. Wheres the learning in easy things? Wheres the appreciation? Life is exactly as it should be. Whether we think its fair or not. Its perfect because It allows us to choose for ourselves. The way has been prepared and all we need to do is continually choose righteousness. We have been given the ultimate example. Jesus Christ and if we will just follow him. Build our foundation upon Christ and his teachings we cannot fall. No if, ands, or buts about it. Its perfect. I love you all and I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas as you remember the important things. Our purpose here and who provided the way, even Jesus Christ. I love each of you so much! Merry Christmas!
Hermana Porter
Monday, December 13, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 30
My sweet Momma! I did indeed get Paiges video recordings! What a treat! Wow. I watched the thanksgiving one over and over again. Can you believe Lucy?! She is such a doll. Thank you for sending those over Paige Ashley! I have not received your package quite yet but I'm sure it is just sitting at the office. Thank you for whatever you sent. I will be thrilled! How fun and exciting that you will be going to California for the Christmas Holiday. Lucy and Logan will have a Ball. I will admit that I'm a little bit jealous that you'll get to witness the smiles and laughter that they'll express as they ride the rides and talk to the fun Disney characters in the park. What a thrill. Be sure to take lots of pictures and send them our way. It wont be the same as being there but hopefully I'll catch the vision of what it may have been like.
Indeed this Christmas season will be different but I was writing Lance this morning about the feelings that I've experienced in the last little while. I was laying in my bed the other night just thinking about the holiday season without the family and not one feeling of sorrow or sadness or longing was felt, nor has it been felt, and truth be told, I don't think it will be felt. Now, as I thought about that I had to ask myself why? I came up with a couple of theories. One: The entire family wont be there. Lance is doing the exact same thing as me and that brings comfort and joy to my soul. Two: I'm very much at home here. Not because of Texas or any companion but because of the Routine, the morning schedule, the waking up and getting right into studying. Communing with Deity on a very regular basis throughout the day and as of late, 24-7 is would seem (special purposes). This is where its at. The mission life is where its at. Living the higher law. Having an excuse to live the higher law with very little distraction. Its all around a sweet experience. Now it would appear very selfish. And in some ways it is. For I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. This is my time with the lord and doing what he would have me do. I love people with all of my heart and soul and to be out knocking and talking is just an added bonus thrown into the mix. Granted. Nobody has accepted the invitation to be baptized in this area but they will. I know they will. How can you deny the sweet message of the restoration and the miracle of the atonement and what it means for each and every person who will ever live on the earth. Who can deny the power and feelings that come when sincerely reading and pondering the words of Christ? Who can protest the miraculous experiences born by each of the prophets in the book of Mormon, and the bible. Our message is one of hope and healing, Of joy and Love. I will admit, I've been surprised at the many responses directed towards this sweet message but we keep walking and talking in hopes of running into someone, anyone that has been prepared to hear and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. We'll find them. The spirit will guide our steps as we continue taking them and we will strive to consistently study and pray and beg for the companionship of the holy ghost to purify and cleanse our hearts so that we may be worthy of his assistance. We don't get anything accomplished of real value without him. In or out of the apartment. We do have three new investigators and we are excited to see where they will go as they keep their commitments and pray to know for themselves if these things are true. Its all about Action! They've got to move and do! They will:) I'm confident these three will:)
Mom, you asked about how my companion and I are doing. Well, I will say this week is going to be just about 100 times better. That is not exaggerated either. There was nope place to go but up from where we started. I was writing in my journal the other night, pondering on the last week and a half. To be honest, you couldn't pay or offer me enough to relive the beginning of the transfer. However, It was an incredible test of faith and I pray that it was handled in a way that was pleasing to the lord. I know that the he sent help and angels to strengthen me and coach me through each hour. That also isn't an exaggeration. It was an hour by hour process, and I'm happy to be moved onto the next phase. I hope we've moved to the next phase! haha. No truly, there were many things that she had to adjust to from her last area. Especially coming in to an area that has not been quite as on fire as it should be and with a companion that doesn't know every nook and cranny of the ghetto or the Spanish language. Can you imagine if I did!? Wheres the fun in that?! Where would all the joy of learning come in? We're right where we need to be and I'm confident in that response. There is LOTS of room for growth but that is life and i'm happy to be the student, willing and ready to learn all that the lords would allow me at this time.
My time is just about up but I want to wish you each a Merry Christmas and I want to thank you for you sweet Christmas Cards! Rynearsons! Thank you thank you for keeping me in mind this holiday season. You have the most beautiful family and I was so thrilled to receive you cute little news letter. How fun to see all the additions to the crew with two more on the way! Can you believe how fast we grow!? Well, maybe Melanie would like to speed things up a bit with the grand babies but They're on the way! Congratulations! Grandma and Grandpa Hammond! Thank you each for your words of support, comfort, and wisdom. Thank you for the fun little bonus included inside your letter. That was too much but I'm so thankful and delighted to receive it! I love each of you will all of my heart. Thank you for keeping your thoughts and lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that is the only thing that can bring true happiness. Have a sweet time with your families this year and enjoy the feelings that come in celebrating and pondering on Christs Birth and the miracle of his coming to the earth. What perfect love!
Indeed this Christmas season will be different but I was writing Lance this morning about the feelings that I've experienced in the last little while. I was laying in my bed the other night just thinking about the holiday season without the family and not one feeling of sorrow or sadness or longing was felt, nor has it been felt, and truth be told, I don't think it will be felt. Now, as I thought about that I had to ask myself why? I came up with a couple of theories. One: The entire family wont be there. Lance is doing the exact same thing as me and that brings comfort and joy to my soul. Two: I'm very much at home here. Not because of Texas or any companion but because of the Routine, the morning schedule, the waking up and getting right into studying. Communing with Deity on a very regular basis throughout the day and as of late, 24-7 is would seem (special purposes). This is where its at. The mission life is where its at. Living the higher law. Having an excuse to live the higher law with very little distraction. Its all around a sweet experience. Now it would appear very selfish. And in some ways it is. For I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. This is my time with the lord and doing what he would have me do. I love people with all of my heart and soul and to be out knocking and talking is just an added bonus thrown into the mix. Granted. Nobody has accepted the invitation to be baptized in this area but they will. I know they will. How can you deny the sweet message of the restoration and the miracle of the atonement and what it means for each and every person who will ever live on the earth. Who can deny the power and feelings that come when sincerely reading and pondering the words of Christ? Who can protest the miraculous experiences born by each of the prophets in the book of Mormon, and the bible. Our message is one of hope and healing, Of joy and Love. I will admit, I've been surprised at the many responses directed towards this sweet message but we keep walking and talking in hopes of running into someone, anyone that has been prepared to hear and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. We'll find them. The spirit will guide our steps as we continue taking them and we will strive to consistently study and pray and beg for the companionship of the holy ghost to purify and cleanse our hearts so that we may be worthy of his assistance. We don't get anything accomplished of real value without him. In or out of the apartment. We do have three new investigators and we are excited to see where they will go as they keep their commitments and pray to know for themselves if these things are true. Its all about Action! They've got to move and do! They will:) I'm confident these three will:)
Mom, you asked about how my companion and I are doing. Well, I will say this week is going to be just about 100 times better. That is not exaggerated either. There was nope place to go but up from where we started. I was writing in my journal the other night, pondering on the last week and a half. To be honest, you couldn't pay or offer me enough to relive the beginning of the transfer. However, It was an incredible test of faith and I pray that it was handled in a way that was pleasing to the lord. I know that the he sent help and angels to strengthen me and coach me through each hour. That also isn't an exaggeration. It was an hour by hour process, and I'm happy to be moved onto the next phase. I hope we've moved to the next phase! haha. No truly, there were many things that she had to adjust to from her last area. Especially coming in to an area that has not been quite as on fire as it should be and with a companion that doesn't know every nook and cranny of the ghetto or the Spanish language. Can you imagine if I did!? Wheres the fun in that?! Where would all the joy of learning come in? We're right where we need to be and I'm confident in that response. There is LOTS of room for growth but that is life and i'm happy to be the student, willing and ready to learn all that the lords would allow me at this time.
My time is just about up but I want to wish you each a Merry Christmas and I want to thank you for you sweet Christmas Cards! Rynearsons! Thank you thank you for keeping me in mind this holiday season. You have the most beautiful family and I was so thrilled to receive you cute little news letter. How fun to see all the additions to the crew with two more on the way! Can you believe how fast we grow!? Well, maybe Melanie would like to speed things up a bit with the grand babies but They're on the way! Congratulations! Grandma and Grandpa Hammond! Thank you each for your words of support, comfort, and wisdom. Thank you for the fun little bonus included inside your letter. That was too much but I'm so thankful and delighted to receive it! I love each of you will all of my heart. Thank you for keeping your thoughts and lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that is the only thing that can bring true happiness. Have a sweet time with your families this year and enjoy the feelings that come in celebrating and pondering on Christs Birth and the miracle of his coming to the earth. What perfect love!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Lance Letter
YESSSS i did watch the Christmas our ward mission leaders house, it was amazing. Those men are truly special witnesses of our Lord and Savior. They are Prophets, revilators, and seers, there's not a doubt in my mind.
Thank you so much for being kind to Bro. Brice. And thank you for the Package. We had a good week. We taught a Hispanic family the restoration and i got to work on my spanish which wasnt much. We also have dick schuster on the line up for baptism on christmas day. Cross your fingures. Transfers are in a week so i might be heading off to some different area. Thats so great about testimony meeting. I also shared my tetimony. I love this Season! I repeat every word that was spokin in the devotional last night. You are all so awesome!
Oh those videos were so funny with lucy singing and thanksgiving you all look great. I love you and i"ll send some pictures and stuff soon ok. have a good week
Thank you so much for being kind to Bro. Brice. And thank you for the Package. We had a good week. We taught a Hispanic family the restoration and i got to work on my spanish which wasnt much. We also have dick schuster on the line up for baptism on christmas day. Cross your fingures. Transfers are in a week so i might be heading off to some different area. Thats so great about testimony meeting. I also shared my tetimony. I love this Season! I repeat every word that was spokin in the devotional last night. You are all so awesome!
Oh those videos were so funny with lucy singing and thanksgiving you all look great. I love you and i"ll send some pictures and stuff soon ok. have a good week
Monday, December 6, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 29
President Hansen-
Hello! How is everything going there in your office at home? I'm sure you're getting your fingers ready to warm up the keyboard with all your responses you'll be sending out today. President I don't know quite where to start. I feel so humbled at the opportunity both Hermana Stevenson and I have been given. I fill full of love and gratitude at how well the lord knows me personally. For how could you have known the reasons for pairing us up together. Yes, there are those that are a bit more obvious. We both need to learn Spanish, we both need to step up to the plate and take our role in leadership responsibilities but President, it goes so much deeper than that. I have found things out about myself in the last few days that I've been pushing to know for many years now. Things I do but don't quite know why. Things I've always wanted to fix but never really quite knew what they were. He sent Hermana Stevenson here for many purposes but one that stands out so clearly is the need for each other. The lessons and experiences that we will share together will shape and mold our character beyond what I can imagine now and I know that I will look back on this transfer as one of growth, learning, and love. President, I don't want you to worry about either of us this transfer. I am very aware that the lord knows exactly what he's doing and I couldn't be more thankful for the way he goes about doing them. President, I cant thank you enough for being exactly in tune with the spirit to know exactly the lords will. I thank you for being the instrument in his hands to bring about his wise purposes. Even now, the humility I feel is too great and I cant put it into words. Its all sitting in my throat! I'm trying to hold back the tears as I write you but I just want you to know how thankful I am for this great opportunity. I thank you will all of my heart for all that you do for each of the missionaries. Both seen and unseen. Perhaps the greatest of all is your dedication to the lord and your call. I thank you for the example you and Sister Hansen have been to me over the short time that I've been here and I love you both. Thank you for your prayers President Hansen.
Hermana Porter
My sweet Family! I was so thrilled to get your letters this week. Thank you thank you for taking the time to sit down and write to me. Especially little Ryan (not so little). Wow that was a surprise. I haven't heard from that one in awhile. I read it over and over again. His handwriting is so amazing! I couldn't figure out who had written me at first. I thought at first it was mom but then I realized she wouldn't have said "Everything is going great here in beautiful St. Geezy." Ha. I love my brother and cant express to you, Ryan, how proud I am of you. You're grades are perfect, you're so involved with basketball, and you're actively striving to do all that you can to qualify for the lords spirit. You're my example Ryan and I thank you for living the kind of life that others look up to and can follow.
You all are now aware that I am "Greenie breaking" this transfer and from the email I sent to President Hansen you have probably guessed that it hasn't been a walk in the park but oh how needed it has been, and is, and will continue to be. My Companions name is Hermana Stevenson. She grew up in Chicago as the only girl and really as the only child, considering all of her brothers are quite older than she and weren't around while she was growing up. I wont recount the first words that came out of her mouth when I went to pick her up but we'll just say she likes things her way. Which makes it a bit tough because neither of us have been put into a leadership position prior to this transfer. I will say this however. I come to learn something new about myself and life every day. Every night I sit down and right in a tab of my Journal that I've just labeled "Lessons learned by the spirit through Hermana Stevenson. You won't recognize me after this transfer! Haha. This is the very definition of the refiners fire and will stay, cook, and melt in there until the lord moves me elsewhere. My Companion and I sat down last night and had a rather lengthy conversation but I walked away from that with a better understanding of what I would like to change about myself. What I would like to improve upon in order to be a more effective instrument in the hands of the lord here on the mission and throughout life. Some of the comments that she directed towards me stung but not because of the harshness or way she put them but because I realized how true they were. I'm so thankful that the lord in his perfect wisdom has sent Hermana Stevenson here at this time to be my companion. That he knows the sincere desires of my heart and that he indeed answers prayers. We're being refined, molded, and shaped and its never been more apparent than now. I pray that both of us can cleanse ourselves enough through the atonement and have the faith to rely wholly upon the spirit to teach, preach, and testify of the message of the Restoration. That we can indeed be forgiven and cleansed through the great mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and one day return to our loving Heavenly Father and be with our families forever and ever never again to be separated. I love this work. I love the joy and peace that this gospel brings. How thrilled I am to have this knowledge, to be permitted to work in the lords vineyard. Its a sweet time of life right and I will treasure it forever. I love you all more than I am capable of expressing. Thank you for your prayers of love and support.
Love, Hermana Porter
Hello! How is everything going there in your office at home? I'm sure you're getting your fingers ready to warm up the keyboard with all your responses you'll be sending out today. President I don't know quite where to start. I feel so humbled at the opportunity both Hermana Stevenson and I have been given. I fill full of love and gratitude at how well the lord knows me personally. For how could you have known the reasons for pairing us up together. Yes, there are those that are a bit more obvious. We both need to learn Spanish, we both need to step up to the plate and take our role in leadership responsibilities but President, it goes so much deeper than that. I have found things out about myself in the last few days that I've been pushing to know for many years now. Things I do but don't quite know why. Things I've always wanted to fix but never really quite knew what they were. He sent Hermana Stevenson here for many purposes but one that stands out so clearly is the need for each other. The lessons and experiences that we will share together will shape and mold our character beyond what I can imagine now and I know that I will look back on this transfer as one of growth, learning, and love. President, I don't want you to worry about either of us this transfer. I am very aware that the lord knows exactly what he's doing and I couldn't be more thankful for the way he goes about doing them. President, I cant thank you enough for being exactly in tune with the spirit to know exactly the lords will. I thank you for being the instrument in his hands to bring about his wise purposes. Even now, the humility I feel is too great and I cant put it into words. Its all sitting in my throat! I'm trying to hold back the tears as I write you but I just want you to know how thankful I am for this great opportunity. I thank you will all of my heart for all that you do for each of the missionaries. Both seen and unseen. Perhaps the greatest of all is your dedication to the lord and your call. I thank you for the example you and Sister Hansen have been to me over the short time that I've been here and I love you both. Thank you for your prayers President Hansen.
Hermana Porter
My sweet Family! I was so thrilled to get your letters this week. Thank you thank you for taking the time to sit down and write to me. Especially little Ryan (not so little). Wow that was a surprise. I haven't heard from that one in awhile. I read it over and over again. His handwriting is so amazing! I couldn't figure out who had written me at first. I thought at first it was mom but then I realized she wouldn't have said "Everything is going great here in beautiful St. Geezy." Ha. I love my brother and cant express to you, Ryan, how proud I am of you. You're grades are perfect, you're so involved with basketball, and you're actively striving to do all that you can to qualify for the lords spirit. You're my example Ryan and I thank you for living the kind of life that others look up to and can follow.
You all are now aware that I am "Greenie breaking" this transfer and from the email I sent to President Hansen you have probably guessed that it hasn't been a walk in the park but oh how needed it has been, and is, and will continue to be. My Companions name is Hermana Stevenson. She grew up in Chicago as the only girl and really as the only child, considering all of her brothers are quite older than she and weren't around while she was growing up. I wont recount the first words that came out of her mouth when I went to pick her up but we'll just say she likes things her way. Which makes it a bit tough because neither of us have been put into a leadership position prior to this transfer. I will say this however. I come to learn something new about myself and life every day. Every night I sit down and right in a tab of my Journal that I've just labeled "Lessons learned by the spirit through Hermana Stevenson. You won't recognize me after this transfer! Haha. This is the very definition of the refiners fire and will stay, cook, and melt in there until the lord moves me elsewhere. My Companion and I sat down last night and had a rather lengthy conversation but I walked away from that with a better understanding of what I would like to change about myself. What I would like to improve upon in order to be a more effective instrument in the hands of the lord here on the mission and throughout life. Some of the comments that she directed towards me stung but not because of the harshness or way she put them but because I realized how true they were. I'm so thankful that the lord in his perfect wisdom has sent Hermana Stevenson here at this time to be my companion. That he knows the sincere desires of my heart and that he indeed answers prayers. We're being refined, molded, and shaped and its never been more apparent than now. I pray that both of us can cleanse ourselves enough through the atonement and have the faith to rely wholly upon the spirit to teach, preach, and testify of the message of the Restoration. That we can indeed be forgiven and cleansed through the great mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and one day return to our loving Heavenly Father and be with our families forever and ever never again to be separated. I love this work. I love the joy and peace that this gospel brings. How thrilled I am to have this knowledge, to be permitted to work in the lords vineyard. Its a sweet time of life right and I will treasure it forever. I love you all more than I am capable of expressing. Thank you for your prayers of love and support.
Love, Hermana Porter
Monday, November 29, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 28
Hello hello my sweet family! How is everyone doing!? I had time to only scan through your email just quickly but I will print it off and try to respond later today:) It sounds like everyone is doing wonderful! Can you believe there is fun snow on the mountains already!? Wow. Oh the mountains, I miss them! Sometimes I'll pull out the pictures that Paige sent because the mountains are in the background. Those beautiful, colorful, painted mountains. Too fun! I love Utah! However... I'm loving Texas a bit more than Utah at this present time. Tomorrow is transfers and you'll just die! I'm greenie breaking! Ah! Really!? Oh my word. I'm a bit sick at the moment. I'm praying she may understand Spanish a bit better than I do right now. Isnt that funny that I still cant quite understand it? I can speak it but to comprehend what people are fully saying is a completely different story. I have my theories about why. But I dont quite know how to stop not understanding! There have been a few members that have come up to me in the ward because they know how nervous I am and they've offered their time to help me over the phone. The phone is the worst! Haha it really will just be a comical little situation, full of learning and growth! Yay for progression! Yay for the plan! Yay for opting to come to earth and tackle all these wonderful experiences! Oh it will be great! Poor thing, I hope she is super patient and full of faith because that is what we will be relying wholly on, our faith in the spirit to lead and guide us to those that will hear our message and feel the holy ghost bear witness of the truth. I'm expecting miracles this transfer. This morning I went straight to the kitchen and went crazy with the rag. Haha I couldn't stop! It was probably a scary sight because Hermana Maxwell didnt say a word. I got in and tackled all the roaches in the cupboards, crawled in under the sink and scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed! I threw away 3 huge garbage bags of yucky who knows what. We're starting a fresh new transfer and its going to be great! Right.....? Haha Of course it will! Pray pray pray!
This last week was wonderful! We knocked all day and found two families that were members and haven't been to the church in years. We will work on bringing them back to the fold. They invited us in with open arms and I think that we may be an answer to their prayers. Oh I love this work! We also are teaching a family that we knocked into a couple of days ago. The husband was a little drunk but from what we understand he's never been to church and his wife is looking for truth. So here we are. Ready to deliver the message and invite them to act. Oh these sweet people. If they just understood the importance of exercising their faith and acting! The spirit will not stir within them if they don't get up and move! Just grab the book and open it! They will. Dont anyone worry. They will:)
Oh dear, here come the missionaries. Haha they're so fun but I have a hard time emailing when there is a party going on. Stephanie! Thank you thank you for your sweet update on your family! Everyone sounds like they are just doing amazing and happy as ever! Oh the dating life. I don't have too much more to say about it! It is a sweet time and a necessary time to figure out who you are, what you can handle and what you cant. All the things you need to work on to better yourself. The list goes on and on. But you don't worry for a second about your kids. They each are amazing and will certainly be led to the prize. Have a wonderful Holiday and Christmas! Wear lots of sunscreen and please continue praying for Lance and I. You're the very sweetest and I hope to hear from you soon! Love you Steph
Love each of you so much! Have a wonderful week!
This last week was wonderful! We knocked all day and found two families that were members and haven't been to the church in years. We will work on bringing them back to the fold. They invited us in with open arms and I think that we may be an answer to their prayers. Oh I love this work! We also are teaching a family that we knocked into a couple of days ago. The husband was a little drunk but from what we understand he's never been to church and his wife is looking for truth. So here we are. Ready to deliver the message and invite them to act. Oh these sweet people. If they just understood the importance of exercising their faith and acting! The spirit will not stir within them if they don't get up and move! Just grab the book and open it! They will. Dont anyone worry. They will:)
Oh dear, here come the missionaries. Haha they're so fun but I have a hard time emailing when there is a party going on. Stephanie! Thank you thank you for your sweet update on your family! Everyone sounds like they are just doing amazing and happy as ever! Oh the dating life. I don't have too much more to say about it! It is a sweet time and a necessary time to figure out who you are, what you can handle and what you cant. All the things you need to work on to better yourself. The list goes on and on. But you don't worry for a second about your kids. They each are amazing and will certainly be led to the prize. Have a wonderful Holiday and Christmas! Wear lots of sunscreen and please continue praying for Lance and I. You're the very sweetest and I hope to hear from you soon! Love you Steph
Love each of you so much! Have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 27
Hello Mama!
How are you!? How was your sweet Anniversary?! I hope that you just had the best time. I truly cant tell you what a joy and thrill it was to read your words and sense the way you feel about my dad after so many years. Thank you thank you for keeping your marriage so solid and full of love and sweet experiences. I wish I could express my gratitude appropriately, but just know that it is one of the greatest gifts you could give to your children. Especially me. Not that I'm anything special. I just feel super sensitive about it right now and I want you to know how grateful I am that I have a family that loves and cherishes each other, that understands their relationship to their father in heaven, that understands, to an extent, the gift of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Whether we understand it or not, we use it and love it and we're so thankful for it! For him. For our Savior Jesus Christ. For his love and great sacrifice. For his understanding and compassion, for his desire for us to become like him. For his example and his teachings. I'm so thankful for him and my sweet family for striving each day to be better. That we can strive! We can be better. Mom, we get to repent and try again each day. We get to learn! We get to feel it out, to come to understand what truly makes us happy. What truly fills our souls with Joy. I'm coming to realize it more and more each day. That true happiness come by obedience to his commandments. My doing all that we can to cleanse ourselves and making it so the holy ghost can dwell with us. It is not an easy process but Isn't it so worth it!? Isn't it sweet? We truly get what we pay for. The price is high but it has already been paid for us! Our ticket is free and all we have to do is reach out and accept it. Accept the gift and is freely given. I hope that I can humble myself enough to grab hold of everyone of those gifts that only the spirit can provide. Mom, my feelings from before the mission haven't changed much. I still want to leap out of the flesh at times. Especially when I yield to the natural man and give place for the power of Satan but that is the learning process we are each going through. How thankful I should be for the time that has been allotted to me to learn. To learn how to combine body and spirit to form a beautiful, working instrument in the hands of the creator. I want to work right, I want to align my will with my fathers. I want to be better mom I really do. I fasted all day yesterday and I can testify to you that their is power in subjecting all desire, appetite, and passion into the bounds the lord has set. True power. I woke up this morning full of hope and excitement for what the lord may be able to do with me. It is a new week and it will be one of success.
Dad, Thank you for your letter to me in Spanish and for your sweet email. Your words are always so encouraging and I cherish every one. Thank you for sending Lances letter. My word, that was a treasure. Please keep them coming.
This week we have been working with a beautiful family. Well, they aren't married but that is the goal that we are working towards with them. The Moms name is Magdelina, The dad Rafael, and then their 3 year old Christian. They are the sweetest couple and have they've been great! We watched the restoration video with them the other day and bore witness of the reality of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I think Magdelina was having a hard time with the authority and since hasn't answered our phone calls and hasn't been home. I pray the spirit will continue to work on her as she reads the book of Mormon and ponders on what the lord wants for she and her family.
Hermana Maxwell may get transferred next week but we won't know until Saturday. We are pretty sure I'm staying which would be a thrill considering all the things that I still want to accomplish here.
I hope all is well at home! I will sit down today and fill you in on a few more details through pen and paper. Love you love you!
Please tell the Nielsens that I was so thrilled to receive their thanksgiving card! They are too sweet. If they are sending a Christmas card out this year I would love to receive one. Tell them I love them and am so thankful for their support and prayers. How are Brady and Kip doing? Are they just about done with school? Is Britt just happy as ever? What is going on with each of them?
How are you!? How was your sweet Anniversary?! I hope that you just had the best time. I truly cant tell you what a joy and thrill it was to read your words and sense the way you feel about my dad after so many years. Thank you thank you for keeping your marriage so solid and full of love and sweet experiences. I wish I could express my gratitude appropriately, but just know that it is one of the greatest gifts you could give to your children. Especially me. Not that I'm anything special. I just feel super sensitive about it right now and I want you to know how grateful I am that I have a family that loves and cherishes each other, that understands their relationship to their father in heaven, that understands, to an extent, the gift of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Whether we understand it or not, we use it and love it and we're so thankful for it! For him. For our Savior Jesus Christ. For his love and great sacrifice. For his understanding and compassion, for his desire for us to become like him. For his example and his teachings. I'm so thankful for him and my sweet family for striving each day to be better. That we can strive! We can be better. Mom, we get to repent and try again each day. We get to learn! We get to feel it out, to come to understand what truly makes us happy. What truly fills our souls with Joy. I'm coming to realize it more and more each day. That true happiness come by obedience to his commandments. My doing all that we can to cleanse ourselves and making it so the holy ghost can dwell with us. It is not an easy process but Isn't it so worth it!? Isn't it sweet? We truly get what we pay for. The price is high but it has already been paid for us! Our ticket is free and all we have to do is reach out and accept it. Accept the gift and is freely given. I hope that I can humble myself enough to grab hold of everyone of those gifts that only the spirit can provide. Mom, my feelings from before the mission haven't changed much. I still want to leap out of the flesh at times. Especially when I yield to the natural man and give place for the power of Satan but that is the learning process we are each going through. How thankful I should be for the time that has been allotted to me to learn. To learn how to combine body and spirit to form a beautiful, working instrument in the hands of the creator. I want to work right, I want to align my will with my fathers. I want to be better mom I really do. I fasted all day yesterday and I can testify to you that their is power in subjecting all desire, appetite, and passion into the bounds the lord has set. True power. I woke up this morning full of hope and excitement for what the lord may be able to do with me. It is a new week and it will be one of success.
Dad, Thank you for your letter to me in Spanish and for your sweet email. Your words are always so encouraging and I cherish every one. Thank you for sending Lances letter. My word, that was a treasure. Please keep them coming.
This week we have been working with a beautiful family. Well, they aren't married but that is the goal that we are working towards with them. The Moms name is Magdelina, The dad Rafael, and then their 3 year old Christian. They are the sweetest couple and have they've been great! We watched the restoration video with them the other day and bore witness of the reality of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I think Magdelina was having a hard time with the authority and since hasn't answered our phone calls and hasn't been home. I pray the spirit will continue to work on her as she reads the book of Mormon and ponders on what the lord wants for she and her family.
Hermana Maxwell may get transferred next week but we won't know until Saturday. We are pretty sure I'm staying which would be a thrill considering all the things that I still want to accomplish here.
I hope all is well at home! I will sit down today and fill you in on a few more details through pen and paper. Love you love you!
Please tell the Nielsens that I was so thrilled to receive their thanksgiving card! They are too sweet. If they are sending a Christmas card out this year I would love to receive one. Tell them I love them and am so thankful for their support and prayers. How are Brady and Kip doing? Are they just about done with school? Is Britt just happy as ever? What is going on with each of them?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 26
Hello my sweet family! Thank you for the sweet email! Ryan! Congratulations on making the team! Who ever doubted that he could? Of course he'd be on the team. How could they get anywhere without him? Too Too fun:)
I'm a little distracted, I'm emailing here at the office and right now and its currently full of people and missionaries laughing and telling jokes to each other. Aye. Forgive me if I log off and turn to paper and pen a little later on in the day to respond to all of your emails.
Oh my word truly this is rather difficult.... Ha. I'll just quickly tell you that all is well. We hit a gold mine in our area! I don't know if I already told you but we found a trailer park a little further than we usually go in our area, full of the sweetest Hispanics you've ever met. I don't know that we've been turned away once by anybody there. We've been invited in by many. We are determined to convert the entire trailer park. We just need to find the head honcho and the rest will follow. Well... that is the desire anyway. Who really knows what will happen but we're excited:) This week we have gained 11 new investigators. None of which are progressing at the moment but they are brand new so once we start working with them on a regular basis that will change! I will write you later on and give you the details of the experiences and feelings of the week. Love you love you! The gospels true!
I'm a little distracted, I'm emailing here at the office and right now and its currently full of people and missionaries laughing and telling jokes to each other. Aye. Forgive me if I log off and turn to paper and pen a little later on in the day to respond to all of your emails.
Oh my word truly this is rather difficult.... Ha. I'll just quickly tell you that all is well. We hit a gold mine in our area! I don't know if I already told you but we found a trailer park a little further than we usually go in our area, full of the sweetest Hispanics you've ever met. I don't know that we've been turned away once by anybody there. We've been invited in by many. We are determined to convert the entire trailer park. We just need to find the head honcho and the rest will follow. Well... that is the desire anyway. Who really knows what will happen but we're excited:) This week we have gained 11 new investigators. None of which are progressing at the moment but they are brand new so once we start working with them on a regular basis that will change! I will write you later on and give you the details of the experiences and feelings of the week. Love you love you! The gospels true!
Life Lately
Monday, November 8, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 25
I'm so sorry that I wasnt able to write last week but here we are again on another pday and I'm happy to report that things are going well:) It sounds like everyone has had a busy week. I cannot tell you how excited I am to hear about Lacy and Ashton! Wow Wow!! Congratulations! I could just cry I'm so happy for them! Tell Carlee to get it goin! I want to come home to a new baby with little strawberry hairs! Ryan! I'm so excited to hear how basketball tryouts went! Please write me the second you get home and let me know how things went!
Everything is going great in Houston TX! The weather truly is beautiful but I am freezing! Wow. It has hit me a little sooner than everyone else, they think I'm crazy. I'm always cold! Thank you thank you for the coats and sweater! We're going to a little store today in search of a few more things that may keep me warm. When it comes time to hit the lights and go to bed I'm bundled up in a little ball with many blankets over me (including my companions) and she just lays on top of her sheets with a short sleeve on, nothing covering her body! Aye! Can you imagine! I think I have a disease. It is still pretty pretty though. Green as ever with the sun shining brightly. I love Houston!
On Saturday we had the opportunity to go to the Gulf Bank Pulga (the flea market). Usually we are given a booth to set everything up on but for some reason there was a miscommunication and we were able to follow people around instead of stopping them dead in their tracks and making them listen to us. They were able to shop while we followed right along their side teaching them, kinda like the holy ghost! Kind of.... ? Haha. Most of them were just annoyed but I had a good time:) We were also able to see all of the fun (some yucky) things that people were selling. Wow. the things people come up with. Lots of skills and talents. So fun! We had a few people that truly were interested in our message and wanted to hear more. Especially when I bought something from their booth. They were thrilled to take a pamphlet after that! Ha. You may have to send me little bit of extra money to barter with. Haha. Just kidding. The Holy Ghost has been our constant companion and its been a treat to see all that he is able to do and say as we stay 100% obedient and follow his promptings.
I will have to write you a hand written letter about our investigators. But I'm off to cut one of the senior missionaries hair. Sister Stringfellow. Oh I forgot to tell you about Sis. Young. She is the sweetest little lady you've ever met. I have half of her wardrobe in my closet because she was worried I was going to get too cold. I just love her with all of my heart. She went home last week and I could have just balled. I will miss her dearly. But I will return to see her the second I get home. Her husband died about a year ago and so she was not excited to go home. She was a little panicked about it to be honest. My word, I don't blame her. However she has plenty of sons to keep her company and many grandchildren that she can play with and spoil. I wish she would come back out and serve another mission. She was a blessing to all the missionaries. Especially me! Darling darling sister. She'll go straight to the celestial kingdom. I've met so many wonderful people like that. What a joy it is to be here!
Oh my word I almost forgot! I went into the Dr. Office the other day, when he looked at my tag he immediately started speaking Spanish. I just laughed and acted like I understood (ha story of my mission life) I asked him where he served his mission and he said he had served in Bolivia! Oh my word, you'll die! Of course I said Oh how wonderful! My grandpa was a mission president over there! I've heard some interesting stories. They still talk about it to this day. He said oh how great. What are their names? I said Mel and Bonnie Hammond! He about fell on the floor! He said You are kidding me! He served under them! He went off about all the stories and memories that he had experienced with them and how Grandpa Hammond changed his life. He didn't even charge me a co-pay. Wow! His name is Michael Marlow. He has his own practice now here in Houston Texas and he's just happy as ever. He asked all about them and Natalie and asked which child I came from. I said Lezlee and he said ah yes, Leslie! haha. Anyway. It was a fun little time. Such a small world!
I love you all and hope you're all doing well! It sounds like you are! The gospel is true. There is nothing like this work. What a joy it is to be sent down to find and teach the children of god, to share and help them recognize the love of the savior and the great plan that our father in heaven has for them. Love you Love you! Have a wonderful week!
Everything is going great in Houston TX! The weather truly is beautiful but I am freezing! Wow. It has hit me a little sooner than everyone else, they think I'm crazy. I'm always cold! Thank you thank you for the coats and sweater! We're going to a little store today in search of a few more things that may keep me warm. When it comes time to hit the lights and go to bed I'm bundled up in a little ball with many blankets over me (including my companions) and she just lays on top of her sheets with a short sleeve on, nothing covering her body! Aye! Can you imagine! I think I have a disease. It is still pretty pretty though. Green as ever with the sun shining brightly. I love Houston!
On Saturday we had the opportunity to go to the Gulf Bank Pulga (the flea market). Usually we are given a booth to set everything up on but for some reason there was a miscommunication and we were able to follow people around instead of stopping them dead in their tracks and making them listen to us. They were able to shop while we followed right along their side teaching them, kinda like the holy ghost! Kind of.... ? Haha. Most of them were just annoyed but I had a good time:) We were also able to see all of the fun (some yucky) things that people were selling. Wow. the things people come up with. Lots of skills and talents. So fun! We had a few people that truly were interested in our message and wanted to hear more. Especially when I bought something from their booth. They were thrilled to take a pamphlet after that! Ha. You may have to send me little bit of extra money to barter with. Haha. Just kidding. The Holy Ghost has been our constant companion and its been a treat to see all that he is able to do and say as we stay 100% obedient and follow his promptings.
I will have to write you a hand written letter about our investigators. But I'm off to cut one of the senior missionaries hair. Sister Stringfellow. Oh I forgot to tell you about Sis. Young. She is the sweetest little lady you've ever met. I have half of her wardrobe in my closet because she was worried I was going to get too cold. I just love her with all of my heart. She went home last week and I could have just balled. I will miss her dearly. But I will return to see her the second I get home. Her husband died about a year ago and so she was not excited to go home. She was a little panicked about it to be honest. My word, I don't blame her. However she has plenty of sons to keep her company and many grandchildren that she can play with and spoil. I wish she would come back out and serve another mission. She was a blessing to all the missionaries. Especially me! Darling darling sister. She'll go straight to the celestial kingdom. I've met so many wonderful people like that. What a joy it is to be here!
Oh my word I almost forgot! I went into the Dr. Office the other day, when he looked at my tag he immediately started speaking Spanish. I just laughed and acted like I understood (ha story of my mission life) I asked him where he served his mission and he said he had served in Bolivia! Oh my word, you'll die! Of course I said Oh how wonderful! My grandpa was a mission president over there! I've heard some interesting stories. They still talk about it to this day. He said oh how great. What are their names? I said Mel and Bonnie Hammond! He about fell on the floor! He said You are kidding me! He served under them! He went off about all the stories and memories that he had experienced with them and how Grandpa Hammond changed his life. He didn't even charge me a co-pay. Wow! His name is Michael Marlow. He has his own practice now here in Houston Texas and he's just happy as ever. He asked all about them and Natalie and asked which child I came from. I said Lezlee and he said ah yes, Leslie! haha. Anyway. It was a fun little time. Such a small world!
I love you all and hope you're all doing well! It sounds like you are! The gospel is true. There is nothing like this work. What a joy it is to be sent down to find and teach the children of god, to share and help them recognize the love of the savior and the great plan that our father in heaven has for them. Love you Love you! Have a wonderful week!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lance Letter
Oct 25th 2010
Thank you so much for the letter!!!!! This week was fun, we have like no one to teach, but hey, We're on missions and I love it!!!!!!!
We actually go to a part-members house and read the Book of Mormon with them, or him, his name is Peter Recto. He’s sweet. Saturday we got up and played basketball with him and his Phillipino friends in a park. I was the only white guy there, ha ha; and they all spoke their own language and just laughed at me. I was bad; it's been a long time since I've played real basketball - it was so much fun though!
It has rained here a lot but it’s not too cold and yes, the coat has done wonders. Hey, can you guys send a sweat shirt because I don’t have one, ha; only if you have time that is. We haven’t been as obedient as I would like, as you can tell by our success. It’s difficult when you suggest to go tracting or street contacting and your companion just says "Nope, have fun" I guess we'll be working on that for the time being and inviting people to follow the Savior. Well, I love you all and hope everyone is striving to maintain the spirit in your lives. If we feel the spirit's influence in our own lives than we can be sure the Atonement is working as well. Keep the Faith, and endure to the end so at that last day we can stand before the Lord and say "I have fought a good fight" "I gave it my all" and then he will take us by the hand and say "Well done thou true and faithful servant, enter into my presence".
Keep that in mind as we live each day. Don't get caught up in the worldly things; also, stick to the basics, as Pres. Uchtdorff said, “Read the book of Mormon, and dwell on it continually . Strive each day to preach the gospel. If it seems difficult to do, start by saying "do you like to read?" they might say "yes". ask them if they would be interested in a book that talks about the Savior Jesus Christ visiting the ancient people in America after being raised physically from the grave. Hey you never know who the Lord has prepared to receive the message.”
Tell Ryan to be happy, to listen to good music, and stay positive. Give him a ton of encouragement. Thank you for the packages that are on their way. I’m excited! I love you all, once again.
Mom you are an Angel. Dad words cannot describe the love and respect I have for you. You are the biggest star in my eyes, In EVERYONES eyes!!! I'm doing great, I eat a ton and I am loving it. I’ll hear from you soon.
Love, Lance
PS. I have interviews with Our Very Own President Jackson!
Thank you so much for the letter!!!!! This week was fun, we have like no one to teach, but hey, We're on missions and I love it!!!!!!!
We actually go to a part-members house and read the Book of Mormon with them, or him, his name is Peter Recto. He’s sweet. Saturday we got up and played basketball with him and his Phillipino friends in a park. I was the only white guy there, ha ha; and they all spoke their own language and just laughed at me. I was bad; it's been a long time since I've played real basketball - it was so much fun though!
It has rained here a lot but it’s not too cold and yes, the coat has done wonders. Hey, can you guys send a sweat shirt because I don’t have one, ha; only if you have time that is. We haven’t been as obedient as I would like, as you can tell by our success. It’s difficult when you suggest to go tracting or street contacting and your companion just says "Nope, have fun" I guess we'll be working on that for the time being and inviting people to follow the Savior. Well, I love you all and hope everyone is striving to maintain the spirit in your lives. If we feel the spirit's influence in our own lives than we can be sure the Atonement is working as well. Keep the Faith, and endure to the end so at that last day we can stand before the Lord and say "I have fought a good fight" "I gave it my all" and then he will take us by the hand and say "Well done thou true and faithful servant, enter into my presence".
Keep that in mind as we live each day. Don't get caught up in the worldly things; also, stick to the basics, as Pres. Uchtdorff said, “Read the book of Mormon, and dwell on it continually . Strive each day to preach the gospel. If it seems difficult to do, start by saying "do you like to read?" they might say "yes". ask them if they would be interested in a book that talks about the Savior Jesus Christ visiting the ancient people in America after being raised physically from the grave. Hey you never know who the Lord has prepared to receive the message.”
Tell Ryan to be happy, to listen to good music, and stay positive. Give him a ton of encouragement. Thank you for the packages that are on their way. I’m excited! I love you all, once again.
Mom you are an Angel. Dad words cannot describe the love and respect I have for you. You are the biggest star in my eyes, In EVERYONES eyes!!! I'm doing great, I eat a ton and I am loving it. I’ll hear from you soon.
Love, Lance
PS. I have interviews with Our Very Own President Jackson!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 24
Mondays mondays mondays.... They truly do come all to quickly, however, they seem to be the perfect little relief needed during the past busy week. Sweet mother, your emails could never be too long. I appreciate so much the information of all that goes on with my family and what everyone is up to. You're too great to keep me informed. Thank you thank you.
Wow, I cant believe Ryan is off again to try out for basketball! Too fun! A little nerve racking I'm sure but I know he'll do great! Please be sure to send pictures of Lucy and Logan in their Halloween costumes! I can only imagine how cute they'll be and how fun it will be for Carlee to take them around gathering candy. Haha Carlee is such a great Aunt. As much as she thinks she will always be the favorite I hope she knows that I will one day return home and fill my role as "the favorite" just as it should be. Haha enjoy this next year with them ;) I hope Tim Isn't frying his mind with all the studying he's doing for the LSAT. Yikes.... I don't even know what those letters stand for but to even look at it hurts my brain. I don't even know the half of what goes in to getting a good score on that test but I'm sure its not an easy process. I will keep him in my prayers.
Everything here in Aldine is going great! Yesterday I had been drinking water all day and needed to use the restroom while we were tracting. We saw a man working in his garage and asked if he had a restroom I could use. Turns out two elders ten years ago came over and he said it was a powerful visit but they never came back and he'd always wondered about them. Well, here we are again! His name is Pete and he was just on his way to San Antonio Texas to visit his family for a couple of weeks. We'll resume teaching him when he returns home. We've been teaching one of our investigators (Luis) for awhile. He loves hearing and learning about everything but every time we commit him to be baptized he says no. We finally came to the conclusion that he didn't have a testimony of Joseph Smith. Its so interesting to me the difference between believing something versus receiving a witness from the holy ghost that something is true. One is filled with power and truth and the other is just a piece of interesting information. I pulled out a Joseph Smith Pamphlet and told him to go home and read only that and pray about it for the next couple of days until we saw him next. He called us the following night and had a newness of excitement to learn more. He'd read and prayed about it and felt as though he'd received his answer. I pray that Holy Ghost can continue teaching him through these next few weeks. If not, I'm afraid we'll lose him. Its happened so many times and nothing is worse. We started teaching one young man awhile ago that was in the kitchen making food while we were teaching his dad, he apparently listened in and when we returned a few days later he had read the entire book of mormon. Yesterday we went by only to find out that he has no interest in changing and doesn't want to hear any more. Ouch! That one hurt. It had only been interesting information to him, nothing more. The importance of the holy ghost in conversion is vital. There is no other way to gain a testimony of necessary truths.
We have new week here and we're excited to once again go on our fun little tracting adventures in search of those precious children that are ready to hear and accept the sweet message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! I mean that with all of my heart. It indeed is a Marvelous work and I'm humbled and thrilled to assist the Lord in bringing about his work and glory. I Love you all and pray that you're moving forward with Faith in your Duty to God.
Wow, I cant believe Ryan is off again to try out for basketball! Too fun! A little nerve racking I'm sure but I know he'll do great! Please be sure to send pictures of Lucy and Logan in their Halloween costumes! I can only imagine how cute they'll be and how fun it will be for Carlee to take them around gathering candy. Haha Carlee is such a great Aunt. As much as she thinks she will always be the favorite I hope she knows that I will one day return home and fill my role as "the favorite" just as it should be. Haha enjoy this next year with them ;) I hope Tim Isn't frying his mind with all the studying he's doing for the LSAT. Yikes.... I don't even know what those letters stand for but to even look at it hurts my brain. I don't even know the half of what goes in to getting a good score on that test but I'm sure its not an easy process. I will keep him in my prayers.
Everything here in Aldine is going great! Yesterday I had been drinking water all day and needed to use the restroom while we were tracting. We saw a man working in his garage and asked if he had a restroom I could use. Turns out two elders ten years ago came over and he said it was a powerful visit but they never came back and he'd always wondered about them. Well, here we are again! His name is Pete and he was just on his way to San Antonio Texas to visit his family for a couple of weeks. We'll resume teaching him when he returns home. We've been teaching one of our investigators (Luis) for awhile. He loves hearing and learning about everything but every time we commit him to be baptized he says no. We finally came to the conclusion that he didn't have a testimony of Joseph Smith. Its so interesting to me the difference between believing something versus receiving a witness from the holy ghost that something is true. One is filled with power and truth and the other is just a piece of interesting information. I pulled out a Joseph Smith Pamphlet and told him to go home and read only that and pray about it for the next couple of days until we saw him next. He called us the following night and had a newness of excitement to learn more. He'd read and prayed about it and felt as though he'd received his answer. I pray that Holy Ghost can continue teaching him through these next few weeks. If not, I'm afraid we'll lose him. Its happened so many times and nothing is worse. We started teaching one young man awhile ago that was in the kitchen making food while we were teaching his dad, he apparently listened in and when we returned a few days later he had read the entire book of mormon. Yesterday we went by only to find out that he has no interest in changing and doesn't want to hear any more. Ouch! That one hurt. It had only been interesting information to him, nothing more. The importance of the holy ghost in conversion is vital. There is no other way to gain a testimony of necessary truths.
We have new week here and we're excited to once again go on our fun little tracting adventures in search of those precious children that are ready to hear and accept the sweet message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! I mean that with all of my heart. It indeed is a Marvelous work and I'm humbled and thrilled to assist the Lord in bringing about his work and glory. I Love you all and pray that you're moving forward with Faith in your Duty to God.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 23
Hello sweet family!
Can you believe it is another new transfer!? Wow wow. I'm thrilled that I will be staying in this area with Hermana Maxwell. We get along great and hope to be finding many new people to teach soon. We had to drop a few investigators for various reasons this past week which was not a fun experience but hopefully they will get picked back up once we've left the area. We are working with many in-active members at the moment which is both wonderful and tough at the same time. Our ward isn't the hardest working or the greatest when it comes to the fellowship of ward members, let alone investigators. We had a family of investigators coming for a couple weeks but then they stopped because they felt awkward and not very welcomed. They should not have been so offended but at the same time I don't blame them for feeling a bit alienated. Wow, what to do. We've talked to the bishop a couple of times but it always ends the same and its never good. I cannot help but wonder what a difference it would make in the lives of those investigating our church if the ward members would only accept, invite, and love every new person that walked through the chapel doors. This is not a hard thing to do. It is easy to Love people. Loving people brings so much happiness and joy into our own lives. I'm surprised people aren't running around trying to get as much of it as they can! Clearly we have to be careful with how we present it but when people really know that you care and want what is best for them they begin to trust you and trust that what you're saying will bring happiness and hope into their lives. It is great! They gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect and will transform any person who strives to learn and live it. I love each of you with all of my heart and hope to hear from you soon!
Can you believe it is another new transfer!? Wow wow. I'm thrilled that I will be staying in this area with Hermana Maxwell. We get along great and hope to be finding many new people to teach soon. We had to drop a few investigators for various reasons this past week which was not a fun experience but hopefully they will get picked back up once we've left the area. We are working with many in-active members at the moment which is both wonderful and tough at the same time. Our ward isn't the hardest working or the greatest when it comes to the fellowship of ward members, let alone investigators. We had a family of investigators coming for a couple weeks but then they stopped because they felt awkward and not very welcomed. They should not have been so offended but at the same time I don't blame them for feeling a bit alienated. Wow, what to do. We've talked to the bishop a couple of times but it always ends the same and its never good. I cannot help but wonder what a difference it would make in the lives of those investigating our church if the ward members would only accept, invite, and love every new person that walked through the chapel doors. This is not a hard thing to do. It is easy to Love people. Loving people brings so much happiness and joy into our own lives. I'm surprised people aren't running around trying to get as much of it as they can! Clearly we have to be careful with how we present it but when people really know that you care and want what is best for them they begin to trust you and trust that what you're saying will bring happiness and hope into their lives. It is great! They gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect and will transform any person who strives to learn and live it. I love each of you with all of my heart and hope to hear from you soon!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 22
Thank you for your sweet letter! The work is going great! Everything is going great! My companion is great! Once again we are very different but it works out perfect and we are learning much from eachother! Thank you for your encouraging words of love and support. Thank you for your prayers and for you thoughts. I wish I could express to you the power in them. This week I have felt each one be answered as I've had experiences that are heaven sent.
Miguel is still listening to the message but it is hard work to find him home. He will never set a certain time to meet with us, instead he says if i'm home great! If not, maybe another time.... (silly man) but atleast he hasn't completely closed the door:)
Really, all in all things are going just great! We have another progressing inverstigator named Luis. He is wonderful! We were teaching him at a members (inactive member) home and at the end of our last lesson we invited him to come to church. He said no because he didnt have anything "appropiate" to wear. The ward member immediately said great! We'll go buy you a white shirt and tie right after this. I almost cried. If you could see where this man lives, what he has, (or lack thereof) this tender act of service was a rather large sacrifice for him. They both showed up to church the very next day with smiles on their faces and stayed the entire time. Too sweet.
What a wonderful time this is! I couldnt be more thrilled to be here in the service of the lord. I can always be doing better but that is the miracle of the atonement! I love each of you with all of my heart and pray for your happiness and success in everything you desire which is good. Love you Love you!
Thank you for your sweet letter! The work is going great! Everything is going great! My companion is great! Once again we are very different but it works out perfect and we are learning much from eachother! Thank you for your encouraging words of love and support. Thank you for your prayers and for you thoughts. I wish I could express to you the power in them. This week I have felt each one be answered as I've had experiences that are heaven sent.
Miguel is still listening to the message but it is hard work to find him home. He will never set a certain time to meet with us, instead he says if i'm home great! If not, maybe another time.... (silly man) but atleast he hasn't completely closed the door:)
Really, all in all things are going just great! We have another progressing inverstigator named Luis. He is wonderful! We were teaching him at a members (inactive member) home and at the end of our last lesson we invited him to come to church. He said no because he didnt have anything "appropiate" to wear. The ward member immediately said great! We'll go buy you a white shirt and tie right after this. I almost cried. If you could see where this man lives, what he has, (or lack thereof) this tender act of service was a rather large sacrifice for him. They both showed up to church the very next day with smiles on their faces and stayed the entire time. Too sweet.
What a wonderful time this is! I couldnt be more thrilled to be here in the service of the lord. I can always be doing better but that is the miracle of the atonement! I love each of you with all of my heart and pray for your happiness and success in everything you desire which is good. Love you Love you!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 21
FELIZ CUMPLIANOS A TI FELIZ CUMPLIANOS A TI FELIZ CUMPLIANOS MI MAMASITA FELIZ CUMPLIANOS A TI!! Happy happy birthday mother dear, happy days will come to you all year, if I had a wish than it would be........ a happy happy birthday to you from me! Wow, my sweet mother, Another year wiser, another year sweeter (if that's possible....) Another year closer to more grand babies! Too too fun! Are you happy!? Are you strong? Hello, you're up and running again. I'm certain that cant be too healthy but you're pretty determined... once you get your mind set on something that's the end of the argument. You just go and run your little legs off all you want! Its your birthday. You can do whatever you desire that is good. Have at it! I hope Carlee is making you a fun meal. Choppin up her amazing lettuce and turning it into a beautiful salad. Take a picture and send it to me:) I miss all the colorful salads! She's a cute little wife now! That means shes a cook! It just comes with the title of Wife.... ha. Oh dear, I wish I could have a party with you. I want to laugh and celebrate with everyone. I want to celebrate the day my mom was born! I will do the best I can in Houston. Just know that I am treasuring up every sweet memory I can think of that includes you. What a treasure you are. Really Truly. You're just a joy and I want you to know that there will be blessings beyond anything you can imagine come your way because of the good works you have chosen to perform here in this life. I know that you've already partaken of some of those sweet fruits. They'll continue to come as your kids get older and have their own little kiddies. Aren't we so thankful for families?! For loving families that want to be together forever. I didn't realize how many people there are that don't even care for that blessing. That shun the very thought. Oh its so sad and it makes me sick at times, but I always walk away with a greater appreciation and love for the family I was born into and the binding covenants made that allow us to extend beyond this life and into the greatest gift our Heavenly Father has to offer us, Eternal Life and Exaltation. I love you sweet mother.
Ryan! Yay! You're playing football! Woowee! You go get em. I know people say you should focus on basketball but really you just just enjoy every sport in every season. Aye, maybe I shouldn't say things like that. I don't know?... I'll write you a little later and hopefully you'll write back so I can get a little more information on how you're feeling in school, sports, and life. Let me know ok:)
Well I wrote You a little letter explaining all about this last week. Or maybe that was Lance.... I forget. This week was probably one of the toughest so far. Reality of the wickedness of the world came crashing down fast and hard. It hasn't been the funnest or greatest but it has been eye opening an we are being more careful about who we talk to and when we talk to them. My companion and I spent all day in the hospital yesterday with one of our investigators. Oh I just balled and balled my eyes out last night. I was so angry and so hurt. A flood of emotions kept hitting me left and right. It was then that I wished I didn't have such a sensitive little heart. I wished I had my dad there to hold me speak words of comfort. I'm so thankful for the power of prayer, for the conduit to heaven, and the holy ghost who consoles and heals. What a blessing it is to be able to kneel down in any situation great or small, and speak directly to our heavenly father. This has been my saving grace my entire life and has saved me a lot of grief in times past. I know the mission isn't going to get any easier but how thankful I am for the help of the lord in lifting burdens so that we cant even feel them upon our backs. It is true, I have felt the power and the love the lord has for each of his children.
Dad, thank you for your sweet email to Lance and I. Thank you for you encouraging words with my Spanish. I don't have a sure knowledge that it will come quite yet but I do have the faith and this will have to suffice until I see improvement. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon! Dad, thank you for loving my mom with the purest love that you're capable of in this life. How thankful I am for each of you and the charity you have for each other.
Ryan! Yay! You're playing football! Woowee! You go get em. I know people say you should focus on basketball but really you just just enjoy every sport in every season. Aye, maybe I shouldn't say things like that. I don't know?... I'll write you a little later and hopefully you'll write back so I can get a little more information on how you're feeling in school, sports, and life. Let me know ok:)
Well I wrote You a little letter explaining all about this last week. Or maybe that was Lance.... I forget. This week was probably one of the toughest so far. Reality of the wickedness of the world came crashing down fast and hard. It hasn't been the funnest or greatest but it has been eye opening an we are being more careful about who we talk to and when we talk to them. My companion and I spent all day in the hospital yesterday with one of our investigators. Oh I just balled and balled my eyes out last night. I was so angry and so hurt. A flood of emotions kept hitting me left and right. It was then that I wished I didn't have such a sensitive little heart. I wished I had my dad there to hold me speak words of comfort. I'm so thankful for the power of prayer, for the conduit to heaven, and the holy ghost who consoles and heals. What a blessing it is to be able to kneel down in any situation great or small, and speak directly to our heavenly father. This has been my saving grace my entire life and has saved me a lot of grief in times past. I know the mission isn't going to get any easier but how thankful I am for the help of the lord in lifting burdens so that we cant even feel them upon our backs. It is true, I have felt the power and the love the lord has for each of his children.
Dad, thank you for your sweet email to Lance and I. Thank you for you encouraging words with my Spanish. I don't have a sure knowledge that it will come quite yet but I do have the faith and this will have to suffice until I see improvement. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon! Dad, thank you for loving my mom with the purest love that you're capable of in this life. How thankful I am for each of you and the charity you have for each other.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thoughts from Lindsey
"I have loved reading it's (Book Of Mormon) pages every morning. I often times feel inadequate as I read of the faith of Alma and the Sons of Mosiah, Moroni and Helaman, the 2000 Stripling Warriors; Wow, pretty incredible. Solid men. Solid Women. I love the formula that Ammon gives in Alma 26:21 - 22. Please look that up when you get a chance. I love this book; every word of it! It has brought thousands, millions, to the truth. Alma 37:9. This record has been used, read, searched and loved since the birth of page 1. "By small and simple means are great things brought to pass." I'm so thankful for the Lord's tender mercies over all of his children. For his long-suffering and patience. Oh, how many times have I felt so lost because of iniquity and transgression. Hopeless. But Jesus Christ has shattered the chains which so easily bind us down. He has broken the chains of death! There aren't words to express the feelings of gratitude and love that come when true repentance is made. When that guilt and anguish is lifted. Only the Savior can heal us from ourselves, only he can wash away the mess we have made. Along with any other feeling of sorrow, sadness, hurt or pain that is certain to come to each of us in this mortal sphere of toil, trial & testing. He did it! He accomplished what no one else could. He paid the infinite price that was necessary for all of Heavenly Father's children to have a chance to rise again and come into the presence of our Creator. How thankful I am for each of you, for your testimony of Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for my family! I love you and pray for you.
Lindsey (Lou)
Lindsey (Lou)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 20
Hello! Wow, It sounds like it was the perfect weekend! Each of you were in my thoughts all day on Friday. I thought about how Tim and Carlee were feeling, how my parents were feeling as you witnessed your sweet daughter kneel across the alter and join herself to that wonderful boy. What a blessing. I'm so excited to see pictures! I hope they get at least a few days to enjoy each other before they have to go back to work.
Well, I'm sitting here at the mission office, there is only one computer to email on so my sweet companion is waiting patiently as I write to my family. Everything is going well! A set of sisters in my district had their apartment broken into. In fact the men were in there when they opened the door. It was a scary experience and so they have been staying with us the last couple of days. Poor things. They ha vent gone back to get their stuff yet. Elder Walker (the missionary in charge of apts) is finding them another complex to stay in and all should be well in no time. Until then we are loving their company and enjoying eachothers personalities. Ha its been fun. We had the opportunity to go on exchanges with them. Hermana Maxwell and I were scheduled to go to the polga (flea market) and preach about the gospel. She woke up that morning and DID NOT want to go. So she took it upon herself to volunteer Hermana Maylett to be my companion for the day. With the zone leaders permission we headed down to the gulf bank polga and had a wonderful time. Lots of rejection yes, but it was a party and I laughed until I cried with the Hispanics as they made fun of my Spanish. Haha. I love these people! They truly are amazing. Each and every one of them. We taught 36 other lessons and invited 88 people to learn. Busy busy day but we were walking on cloud nine as we left. It was wonderful! That day we received a phone call from a women named Hna Martinez. She had just barely made the long, dangerous trip across the border and was praying that she could somehow get in contact with the missionaries. As she was sitting at the table in her cousins home a corner of a picture got her eye. It was buried under a stack of papers going to the trash but she grabbed it and recognized it as a picture from the chapel she attended in Mexico. She turned it over and right on the back in bold letters read LAS MISIONERAS with our number written below. She called and we went right over. It was a sweet, tender experience as she related the story to us and her testimony of the individual love our heavenly father has for each of his children. We invited her to the general relief society broadcast and were thrilled to see her when she showed up with the only items she brought with her- the clothes on her back. The sisters from our ward surrounded her after the meeting had ended and welcomed her with open arms. It brought tears to my eyes and was so thankful for the inspired message that was shared from our beloved prophet on charity just minutes before. I'm so excited to hear more from the lords servants this weekend as they share the words that have been received through Divine revelation for the benefit of the whole world. I love each of you and hope to hear from you soon!
Love, Hermana Porter
Well, I'm sitting here at the mission office, there is only one computer to email on so my sweet companion is waiting patiently as I write to my family. Everything is going well! A set of sisters in my district had their apartment broken into. In fact the men were in there when they opened the door. It was a scary experience and so they have been staying with us the last couple of days. Poor things. They ha vent gone back to get their stuff yet. Elder Walker (the missionary in charge of apts) is finding them another complex to stay in and all should be well in no time. Until then we are loving their company and enjoying eachothers personalities. Ha its been fun. We had the opportunity to go on exchanges with them. Hermana Maxwell and I were scheduled to go to the polga (flea market) and preach about the gospel. She woke up that morning and DID NOT want to go. So she took it upon herself to volunteer Hermana Maylett to be my companion for the day. With the zone leaders permission we headed down to the gulf bank polga and had a wonderful time. Lots of rejection yes, but it was a party and I laughed until I cried with the Hispanics as they made fun of my Spanish. Haha. I love these people! They truly are amazing. Each and every one of them. We taught 36 other lessons and invited 88 people to learn. Busy busy day but we were walking on cloud nine as we left. It was wonderful! That day we received a phone call from a women named Hna Martinez. She had just barely made the long, dangerous trip across the border and was praying that she could somehow get in contact with the missionaries. As she was sitting at the table in her cousins home a corner of a picture got her eye. It was buried under a stack of papers going to the trash but she grabbed it and recognized it as a picture from the chapel she attended in Mexico. She turned it over and right on the back in bold letters read LAS MISIONERAS with our number written below. She called and we went right over. It was a sweet, tender experience as she related the story to us and her testimony of the individual love our heavenly father has for each of his children. We invited her to the general relief society broadcast and were thrilled to see her when she showed up with the only items she brought with her- the clothes on her back. The sisters from our ward surrounded her after the meeting had ended and welcomed her with open arms. It brought tears to my eyes and was so thankful for the inspired message that was shared from our beloved prophet on charity just minutes before. I'm so excited to hear more from the lords servants this weekend as they share the words that have been received through Divine revelation for the benefit of the whole world. I love each of you and hope to hear from you soon!
Love, Hermana Porter
Monday, September 20, 2010
Serving in Katy, TX with Hermana Hastings
I think Linz will have to tell us what this is when she gets home...
District Meeting
Welcome to TX and the HUMIDITY! Poor Lindsey's hair!

This DARLING girl {Liliana}
Lindsey has a great video of this cutie, but I cannot get it to load :(

Lindsey and Hermana Hastings sure loved Katy, but Lindsey has now been moved to the ghetto of Houston. Her new companion, Hermana Maxwell is also from St. George and a PVHS graduate. We can't wait to see pictures again!
Lindsey: Letter 19
My sweet mother. I wish so much that I had time to read this email and respond back in the time given but I will print this off at the mission office later today and hopefully get a chance to sit down and write you. I did try and skim through it and you're last paragraph about your experience in the temple caught my eye. As I read it tears of gratitude and love for my heavenly father and his awareness of each of his children flowed freely. I too had that same experience in my last visit to the house of the lord. That week in particular had been a rough one and I was fighting with feelings of weather or not I was worthy to be out here, worthy to be his servant at this time. I had prayed and prayed to my father in heaven with all my energy during the week, pleading for the peace and comfort that I had been lacking. The assurance that I was worthy of his spirit. Of his guidance and love. As I sat in the chapel waiting for the session to start I too felt that overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. I felt enveloped in the warm assurance that I was indeed worthy to be here. A feeling of love came over me beyond what the human tongue can express. How thankful I am for the power of prayer. For the power of Love. That was the power that brought about Jesus Christ' perfect atonement. That is why prayers are answered. It is why we are forgiven. It is why we are given commandments. It is why we make sacred covenants with the lord. He loves us beyond anything we are able to comprehend and he wants us to succeed. to find the greatest peace and happiness that only can be obtained through our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Love conquers all. Thank you my sweet mother for you pure testimony and your faith. You're going straight to the celestial kingdom and I pray and hope that I can live in a way that may permit my presence with you there. Please continue praying for me. I love you with all of my heart.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 18
My sweet mother, rest assured that I do indeed feel your love and your sweet prayers. Thank you for your thoughts of love and concern. Sometimes I wonder if its the faithful prayers of my family that keep me going. I cant thank you enough.
Well here I am in my new area! This whole transfer is one big tender mercy. There are too many specific and certain blessing to explain it in full but just know that your prayers are being answered and I've never been happier. I've probably seen about two white people in the week that I've been here and I don't know that they were speaking English.. I am indeed in the ghetto. Our apartment is surround by stray cats and when I say surrounded I don't exaggerate. Every morning we get up to go run we are welcomed by about 30 cats in the hallway feeding on the food that our sweet Christlike neighbor provides for them freely...... Ha. Its interesting. Good thing I'm not allergic or this transfer would be an interesting one. There are stray chickens, dogs, and cats EVERYWHERE. it is not uncommon to see them run over and laying on the side of the road. That is sad and I wish people would be more careful! I explained this on the recorder that I sent to Lance but my first day here, my companion and I went to go do service en la casa de la Hna Nornia. Wow. I think that's when I came to realize what a blessing it was to be here among such humble, submissive, people. La Hna Noria has ten children. They live in a home that should not be occupied. I'm afraid its going to come down on us every time I walk in. Its a one bedroom shack. No floor, The kitchen, parents bedroom, "laundry room" and family room are combined into one. They live on corn tortillas which she showed us how to make. There were a couple cockroaches that made their way into the dough when our backs were turned, that was interesting, I hope no one got sick.... It was a fun time and I'm excited to make then on my own! minus the roaches... hopefully. We ended up doing laundry for her. It was an incredible experience. They just barely sold their Van so now they are making two trips everywhere they go. Every subject we would bring up she would always close it with her sweet, sincere testimony of the love that her father in heaven has for her and her family. It was certainly a humbling experience and I couldn't be more thrilled for this opportunity to serve his children here in Littleyork. It is a bit easier to share the gospel here when people are so in need of hope and comfort.
My companions name is Tabitha Maxwell. She is from St. George and yes, graduated from Pine View High School. Smallest world that we live in! We didnt know each other that well but I'm certain the lord put us together for very specific reasons. Niether of us know spanish very well and so our lessons arent always very clear. We pray that the spirit can make up for what we lack, and he does. What a mess we would be making of the church if it were up to us to carry out this work on our own. Oh dear, I dont know that it would still be standing! I've said some really silly things, and am certain there have been a few phrases of false doctrine come out of my mouth. Yikes. !Pero, estoy aprendiendo! Poco a poco. It will come:) Hermana Maxwell was in the marching band and played the trumpet. She is very obedient and I love her dearly for it. We were sitting, having comp study one day and I was watching the way she held her pencil when she wrote. I suddenly had this flash back of my first grade teach Mrs. Kromroye always yelling at the little girl for the way she held her pencil. She would always threaten her, telling her that she would hook her hand up to a machine that would make her write like a normal person if she didn't fix it on her own. She would always tell her that she was going to get cancer if she continued using all five of her fingers to hold the pencil when writing. I remember as a kid being so hurt by her mean words to this poor little girl! I said Hermana, who did you have as a first grade teacher? She said in a grumbly voice, Mrs KrUmroye! Haha I laughed so hard! Sure enough, we had the same first grade teacher. She switched elementary schools after that. Oh sweet girl. I love her dearly and hope that she can be patient with me as I try and figure out how to communicate the things that are so necessary in this work.
Well I love you all and am so excited to hear all about Carlee's wedding, I will try and get some words scribbled down for this boy that I know nothing about. What a lucky guy he is. Tim, do you understand how lucky you are?! Wow. How the lord loves each of his children. I love you all and hope that everything is going well. Continue praying for me that I will be able to understand what people are saying out here! Its beautiful but still gibberish to me. Love you Love you Bye!
Well here I am in my new area! This whole transfer is one big tender mercy. There are too many specific and certain blessing to explain it in full but just know that your prayers are being answered and I've never been happier. I've probably seen about two white people in the week that I've been here and I don't know that they were speaking English.. I am indeed in the ghetto. Our apartment is surround by stray cats and when I say surrounded I don't exaggerate. Every morning we get up to go run we are welcomed by about 30 cats in the hallway feeding on the food that our sweet Christlike neighbor provides for them freely...... Ha. Its interesting. Good thing I'm not allergic or this transfer would be an interesting one. There are stray chickens, dogs, and cats EVERYWHERE. it is not uncommon to see them run over and laying on the side of the road. That is sad and I wish people would be more careful! I explained this on the recorder that I sent to Lance but my first day here, my companion and I went to go do service en la casa de la Hna Nornia. Wow. I think that's when I came to realize what a blessing it was to be here among such humble, submissive, people. La Hna Noria has ten children. They live in a home that should not be occupied. I'm afraid its going to come down on us every time I walk in. Its a one bedroom shack. No floor, The kitchen, parents bedroom, "laundry room" and family room are combined into one. They live on corn tortillas which she showed us how to make. There were a couple cockroaches that made their way into the dough when our backs were turned, that was interesting, I hope no one got sick.... It was a fun time and I'm excited to make then on my own! minus the roaches... hopefully. We ended up doing laundry for her. It was an incredible experience. They just barely sold their Van so now they are making two trips everywhere they go. Every subject we would bring up she would always close it with her sweet, sincere testimony of the love that her father in heaven has for her and her family. It was certainly a humbling experience and I couldn't be more thrilled for this opportunity to serve his children here in Littleyork. It is a bit easier to share the gospel here when people are so in need of hope and comfort.
My companions name is Tabitha Maxwell. She is from St. George and yes, graduated from Pine View High School. Smallest world that we live in! We didnt know each other that well but I'm certain the lord put us together for very specific reasons. Niether of us know spanish very well and so our lessons arent always very clear. We pray that the spirit can make up for what we lack, and he does. What a mess we would be making of the church if it were up to us to carry out this work on our own. Oh dear, I dont know that it would still be standing! I've said some really silly things, and am certain there have been a few phrases of false doctrine come out of my mouth. Yikes. !Pero, estoy aprendiendo! Poco a poco. It will come:) Hermana Maxwell was in the marching band and played the trumpet. She is very obedient and I love her dearly for it. We were sitting, having comp study one day and I was watching the way she held her pencil when she wrote. I suddenly had this flash back of my first grade teach Mrs. Kromroye always yelling at the little girl for the way she held her pencil. She would always threaten her, telling her that she would hook her hand up to a machine that would make her write like a normal person if she didn't fix it on her own. She would always tell her that she was going to get cancer if she continued using all five of her fingers to hold the pencil when writing. I remember as a kid being so hurt by her mean words to this poor little girl! I said Hermana, who did you have as a first grade teacher? She said in a grumbly voice, Mrs KrUmroye! Haha I laughed so hard! Sure enough, we had the same first grade teacher. She switched elementary schools after that. Oh sweet girl. I love her dearly and hope that she can be patient with me as I try and figure out how to communicate the things that are so necessary in this work.
Well I love you all and am so excited to hear all about Carlee's wedding, I will try and get some words scribbled down for this boy that I know nothing about. What a lucky guy he is. Tim, do you understand how lucky you are?! Wow. How the lord loves each of his children. I love you all and hope that everything is going well. Continue praying for me that I will be able to understand what people are saying out here! Its beautiful but still gibberish to me. Love you Love you Bye!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 17
I'm so sorry I couldn't email yesterday! Don't we love holidays!.... ? ha. Well my goodness, in just a half hour I will be boarding the transfer bus headed to an area that will be quite different from here..... We'll just leave it at that for now;) I wrote home yesterday explaining a little more about what I've heard of the ward and city but I'll be able to experience it all first hand in just a few short hours. This should be interesting.... I won't lie, I've been incredibly spoiled here. I feel like the ward members have done 50% of the work. Katy is the most beautiful little city and there is no question I will be visiting frequently after my mission. I'm excited to take on whatever lessons the lord has waiting for me! Hopefully one of them is Spanish:) That may help a bit in the work..... My new address is on the envelope that you should be receiving in a few days. Well my goodness, what can I tell you. I have learned incredible things in my first three months out in the mission. I think the main one that penetrates my soul each time we go out to tract is how involved the lord is in the work, in his work. How he loves each and every one of his children more than you or I can comprehend. Just the other day we were looking for an old investigator that had been taught a few years back. We were trying to find the street and felt as though we were driving around in circles. We decided to pull over and study the map a bit more effectively. When we felt like we knew where we were and where we were headed my companion started pulling out. Just at the moment I turned my head and there to my left was a house with the numbers 917 on it. I gasped and she slammed on the breaks and pulled back in. Instead of Jose, the man we were originally looking for, Mike answered the door, a white, fully American 35 year old. He clearly didn't speak Spanish so we were a bit confused at first. We started talking to him and found out that he was some type of scriptural historian. He'd been trying to fill in missing pieces of the bible for some time and turned to many other sources of scripture that he felt had helped a bit in the process. He told us how he had read a little bit of the book of Mormon in 1995 but didn't give it too much thought since then. I asked him how his relationship with his heavenly father was. He held up his hand and formed a sign to indicate that they were tight. He said he'd been praying for a long time to figure out the truth and the original way of things. I immediately pulled an English book of Mormon out of my bag and told him that he would find all the answers he was looking for in that book. I told him that the lord was answering his prayer and that all the mysteries he was looking for would be unfolded if he would read and pray about the book of Mormon. He was excited and we left feeling incredible. We got in the car and drove around the corner, there, to the right of us was the street and house #917 that we had originally been looking for. It hit me right then that I had just been apart of yet another miracle. I was overwhelmed and couldn't contain the tears. It was a tender mercy to witness such an incredible act of love from our heavenly father in answering one of his sons prayers. Hopefully leading to deeper desires to join the true fold of god leading to eternal life and eternal families. We went to knock on the door of Jose and he had moved. The people that had moved in had zero interest in any religion.
I'm so thankful to be apart of this work. I'm excited to discover my new area and embrace every change, challenge, and lesson that the lord would have me learn. I'm excited to bring the gospel to those that are being prepared. To those that are so desperately in need of the atonement of Jesus Christ. To be freed from bondage and guilt. Please continue praying for me as I do you. Your prayers are heard and indeed answered. I love each of you with all of my heart and I hope that we can each remain steadfast and immovable in this incredible gospel of Jesus Christ. Our one sure way to eternal happiness.
I'm so thankful to be apart of this work. I'm excited to discover my new area and embrace every change, challenge, and lesson that the lord would have me learn. I'm excited to bring the gospel to those that are being prepared. To those that are so desperately in need of the atonement of Jesus Christ. To be freed from bondage and guilt. Please continue praying for me as I do you. Your prayers are heard and indeed answered. I love each of you with all of my heart and I hope that we can each remain steadfast and immovable in this incredible gospel of Jesus Christ. Our one sure way to eternal happiness.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Lance: Letter 7
Aug. 29, 2010
Dear Familia!
Thank you so much for the prayers, I can't believe you have time to pray for us when you are so busy with the wedding, kids, Ryan in school, and church stuff, you are angels. Hey that would be really good if you could get all the kids that are on missions or going on missions addresses, so I can write them - tu sabes; but only if you have time.
Thanks for forwarding some of my letters to my friends. A couple of nights ago, I dreamed that I had finished my mission and then I came home. It was so great to see all of you and my friends but I missed the mission terribly and knew that I had to get back out into the field of labor. When I got here I felt so good and felt like I never wanted to leave the mission. In other words, I love the mission and want to do this for as long as I can!
My bike's a joke though, it keeps breaking! But thats ok, I still love the mission, yes I do! Well, I love you all and we are trying hard to get people to accept the message but many won't. We have tons of success, even though they don't get baptized, ha!
Can't wait to hear from Linz. Tell Ryan he's a stud, and just live life and don't get down. If he stays happy, nice and is full of the spirit, everyone will want to be his friend.
Love you all, and I'll hear from you soon.
Elder Lance Porter
Dear Familia!
Thank you so much for the prayers, I can't believe you have time to pray for us when you are so busy with the wedding, kids, Ryan in school, and church stuff, you are angels. Hey that would be really good if you could get all the kids that are on missions or going on missions addresses, so I can write them - tu sabes; but only if you have time.
Thanks for forwarding some of my letters to my friends. A couple of nights ago, I dreamed that I had finished my mission and then I came home. It was so great to see all of you and my friends but I missed the mission terribly and knew that I had to get back out into the field of labor. When I got here I felt so good and felt like I never wanted to leave the mission. In other words, I love the mission and want to do this for as long as I can!
My bike's a joke though, it keeps breaking! But thats ok, I still love the mission, yes I do! Well, I love you all and we are trying hard to get people to accept the message but many won't. We have tons of success, even though they don't get baptized, ha!
Can't wait to hear from Linz. Tell Ryan he's a stud, and just live life and don't get down. If he stays happy, nice and is full of the spirit, everyone will want to be his friend.
Love you all, and I'll hear from you soon.
Elder Lance Porter
Monday, August 30, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 16
Mondays Mondays Mondays. Wow they certainly do come quick don't they:) I hope to have a little more time this morning to write a few words. I received a letter from Lance and Heather this week! I wont say that's was the highlight of the week but It was certainly up there. Thank you thank you both. Its been a long time since I've heard from my brother and every word thrilled my soul! Heather, As always, every word and thought you have penetrates deep into my heart and often sparks a thought or an impression that leads to a great experience here on the mission. I love you and will hand write you both a little later on today.
This week has been incredible and spiritually filling. Thoughts of wonder and questioning if I am worthy to be here and not uncommon. Zone Conference with Elder Kikuchi and his sweet wife was an experience I will never forget. He spoke with power and authority that not many people witness in their lives. His spirit shook every person in the room and there is no denying that he is a special witness of Jesus Christ. Every word out of his mouth reminded me of my grandpa Hammond, and again, feelings of gratitude and an overwhelming sense of love came pouring over my soul. Tears could not be kept in. I believe that was the case for most of the missionaries at the conference. He spoke of the healing power of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and the peace that comes in being obedient and clean. We talked about the simplified curriculum which was also incredibly powerful. We talked much of the time of Joseph Smith and the first vision. We talked about why we bring the gospel to families. There were many reasons spoken of but the ultimate goal and blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ was to go to the temple and make those sacred covenants with our heavenly father that allow us to be sealed for time and all eternity as a family. That is the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its an incredible time to be alive. To be a direct witness of the gathering of Israel. I testify that the lords work is being done. That we are in the last dispensation, the fullness of times. That we are gathering the lords elect to help prepare the way for the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that all three members of the godhead are incredibly involved in every aspect of this work. There is nothing like repentance. I know that we can feel the healing power of the atonement in our lives. I know that there are incredible truths and hidden treasures that are waiting for those that align their will with the lords and who make their paths straight. I know that there is only one way to a peace of conscience and ultimate happiness in this life and it is through our savior Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for the opportunity that I've had to be here and I pray that I can be worthy of the blessings that the lord has prepared for those that love him.
Grandpa and Grandma, Elder Kikuchi and his wife say hello and they wanted me to tell you that you are missed and that they hope you are doing well. It was so cute, when Elder Kikuchi said Hammond his little wife looked up quickly and with a great big smile on her face she said Oh I love Bonnie! haha I laughed. They were sweet sweet people, full of love. How incredible that you both had the opportunity of working so closely together.
Well my time is gone but I just want each of you to know that I love you and that this gospel is indeed true. Every little bit of it. The book of Mormon is gods incredible tool in bringing to pass this great and marvelous work. I stand in awe at the way it has come about. I'm so thankful to be apart of it and I pray that I don't offend the spirit and miss opportunities to share the gospel. I thank each of you for all that you do and hope to hear from you soon!
Mom, Don't stress out about Carlee's wedding. The celebration is over and done with so quickly, it just not worth getting flustered. She's getting married in the temple and that's all that matters. That's what will last forever. I love you and hope to have time today to write you a quick note! Love you Love you!
This week has been incredible and spiritually filling. Thoughts of wonder and questioning if I am worthy to be here and not uncommon. Zone Conference with Elder Kikuchi and his sweet wife was an experience I will never forget. He spoke with power and authority that not many people witness in their lives. His spirit shook every person in the room and there is no denying that he is a special witness of Jesus Christ. Every word out of his mouth reminded me of my grandpa Hammond, and again, feelings of gratitude and an overwhelming sense of love came pouring over my soul. Tears could not be kept in. I believe that was the case for most of the missionaries at the conference. He spoke of the healing power of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and the peace that comes in being obedient and clean. We talked about the simplified curriculum which was also incredibly powerful. We talked much of the time of Joseph Smith and the first vision. We talked about why we bring the gospel to families. There were many reasons spoken of but the ultimate goal and blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ was to go to the temple and make those sacred covenants with our heavenly father that allow us to be sealed for time and all eternity as a family. That is the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its an incredible time to be alive. To be a direct witness of the gathering of Israel. I testify that the lords work is being done. That we are in the last dispensation, the fullness of times. That we are gathering the lords elect to help prepare the way for the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that all three members of the godhead are incredibly involved in every aspect of this work. There is nothing like repentance. I know that we can feel the healing power of the atonement in our lives. I know that there are incredible truths and hidden treasures that are waiting for those that align their will with the lords and who make their paths straight. I know that there is only one way to a peace of conscience and ultimate happiness in this life and it is through our savior Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for the opportunity that I've had to be here and I pray that I can be worthy of the blessings that the lord has prepared for those that love him.
Grandpa and Grandma, Elder Kikuchi and his wife say hello and they wanted me to tell you that you are missed and that they hope you are doing well. It was so cute, when Elder Kikuchi said Hammond his little wife looked up quickly and with a great big smile on her face she said Oh I love Bonnie! haha I laughed. They were sweet sweet people, full of love. How incredible that you both had the opportunity of working so closely together.
Well my time is gone but I just want each of you to know that I love you and that this gospel is indeed true. Every little bit of it. The book of Mormon is gods incredible tool in bringing to pass this great and marvelous work. I stand in awe at the way it has come about. I'm so thankful to be apart of it and I pray that I don't offend the spirit and miss opportunities to share the gospel. I thank each of you for all that you do and hope to hear from you soon!
Mom, Don't stress out about Carlee's wedding. The celebration is over and done with so quickly, it just not worth getting flustered. She's getting married in the temple and that's all that matters. That's what will last forever. I love you and hope to have time today to write you a quick note! Love you Love you!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 15
Hello Hello! Ryan and Mom, thank you thank you for you sweet notes! As always, every word thrills my soul and I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and write me, especially when so much is going on at home. You're too sweet and I hope you're not too stressed out with the wedding and all the goings this month. I wish I had more time to write you this morning. One of the elders planned an early activity, we're just getting ready to head out. Bryce thank you for your piece of advice with the language. I understand a little bit more every day but it definitely hasn't "clicked" haha its an interesting process but I love it! It is a beautiful language. Not coming out of my mouth... but I love listening to it:) Everything here is great! I will try to write a letter a little later on in the day. Love you all. The gospel is true!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lance: Letter 6
Dear Family,
I'm so happpy to hear everything is going so well. The package is still at the mission home but I'll get it as soon as I get back to the house... I think. So I'll thank you in advance because I know it will be sweet... so, thank you !!!
I love helping people! It is what I love to do and I feel it because of the love you give to me which is a love similiar to the love the Savior has for each of us which is love and love LOVE LOVE!!! Obviously love is a pretty big deal. I love what Pres. Uchtdorff says: "Love is what inspired our Heavenly Father to create our spirits, it is what led our Savior to the Garden of Gethsemany to make himself a ransom for our sins. Love is the grand motive of the plan of salvation, it is the source of happiness, the ever renewing spring of healing, the precious fountain of hope...." Dang I love you guys! Keep doing good things and I'll try to do great things here in San Jose.
Love you guys, FO SHOWWWW....peace.
Elder Lance Porter
I'm so happpy to hear everything is going so well. The package is still at the mission home but I'll get it as soon as I get back to the house... I think. So I'll thank you in advance because I know it will be sweet... so, thank you !!!
I love helping people! It is what I love to do and I feel it because of the love you give to me which is a love similiar to the love the Savior has for each of us which is love and love LOVE LOVE!!! Obviously love is a pretty big deal. I love what Pres. Uchtdorff says: "Love is what inspired our Heavenly Father to create our spirits, it is what led our Savior to the Garden of Gethsemany to make himself a ransom for our sins. Love is the grand motive of the plan of salvation, it is the source of happiness, the ever renewing spring of healing, the precious fountain of hope...." Dang I love you guys! Keep doing good things and I'll try to do great things here in San Jose.
Love you guys, FO SHOWWWW....peace.
Elder Lance Porter
Monday, August 16, 2010
Lindsey: Letter 14
Wow! What a fun week it has been to hear from so many members of my family! Carlee- You must have been inspired to send that little recorder my way. I cant tell you the feelings that enveloped me when I heard the voice of so many loved ones on the other side of the recorder. Thank you thank you! I cant thank you enough! Thank you all for you sweet words of encouragement and love. Thank you to the Hammonds for their sweet notes! Wow, I cant believe how big everyone is getting! I know I haven't been gone that long but It seems like yesterday that Mccall and I were naming our dolls after the new babies Megan and Haylee. Haha too funny. Now they are all grown up, dominating in soccer and everything else! Wow. Todd and Noelle, thank you for the standard you've set in raising your sweet children in truth and righteousness. There is nothing that brings more happiness into the home than parents who honor their covenants and teach by example and by love.
I had the opportunity to speak at a baptism yesterday right after church about the Holy Ghost. It was the sweetest program! These two little boys who had just turned eight, making their first covenant with the lord. I was a little nervous before getting up because the entire ward had stayed after to attend. So the program was held in the chapel. I said a little prayer and immediately my grandma Hammond popped into my head. I thought of all the times that I could remember she had gotten up to speak and the way she just builds and loves and laughs and glows. There's power in building and loving others. I was a bit overcome and by the time I walked up to the front the tears began to come. Brandon, Zachary, and I talked about the times they had felt the spirit in their lives and what it felt like. We talked about all the gifts of the holy ghost and how he will be your best friend all through your life. We talked about how much our father in heaven loves us. That he sends us this perfect helper, the holy ghost. We talked about David and Goliath, Daniel in the lions den, Nephi getting to the promised land, Ammon and the lamanites, Abinidi and wicked king Noah. We talked about what we could do to always keep him with us. Obeying our parents, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers. Oh it was tender. I'm so thankful for the holy ghost in my life! I dont know where any of us would be without him! Well, we'd simply be lost. I know many of us have felt that in our lives. Its a sad, lonely time and a bit of a dark time. I'm so thankful for the light and joy the holy ghost brings into our lives. The illuminating truths that he whispers and confirms. I'm so thankful for the mysteriess that he unfolds line upon line to those that seek and desire to know. I'm so thankful for the house of the lord on earth, where we can not only go to be sealed as a family for time and all eternity but where we can go to learn. Learn more and more. Drinking deeply of the beautiful truths our father in heaven has to offer if we will keep and honor our covenants. We never stop learning. Always progressing. There is so much happiness to be had in this gospel! In the temple, in our sweet families that never end. What an incredible blessing our father in heaven has given us, to feel that love in a world that is a bit unstable and scary at times. I'm so thankful for the education that comes from the holy ghost. I'm so thankful to be a part of this chuch, to be born into the convenant of celestial marriage by two people who love and honor eachother and continually try to be better each day. I cant think of a better gift for children. My sweet mother and father, I love you with my whole heart and I cant thank you enough for your sweet testimonies and righteous desires. There is nothing like this work and I'm so thankful to be apart of it. I pray that it never ends. That I can come home and continue in the work of the lord forever.
I had the opportunity to speak at a baptism yesterday right after church about the Holy Ghost. It was the sweetest program! These two little boys who had just turned eight, making their first covenant with the lord. I was a little nervous before getting up because the entire ward had stayed after to attend. So the program was held in the chapel. I said a little prayer and immediately my grandma Hammond popped into my head. I thought of all the times that I could remember she had gotten up to speak and the way she just builds and loves and laughs and glows. There's power in building and loving others. I was a bit overcome and by the time I walked up to the front the tears began to come. Brandon, Zachary, and I talked about the times they had felt the spirit in their lives and what it felt like. We talked about all the gifts of the holy ghost and how he will be your best friend all through your life. We talked about how much our father in heaven loves us. That he sends us this perfect helper, the holy ghost. We talked about David and Goliath, Daniel in the lions den, Nephi getting to the promised land, Ammon and the lamanites, Abinidi and wicked king Noah. We talked about what we could do to always keep him with us. Obeying our parents, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers. Oh it was tender. I'm so thankful for the holy ghost in my life! I dont know where any of us would be without him! Well, we'd simply be lost. I know many of us have felt that in our lives. Its a sad, lonely time and a bit of a dark time. I'm so thankful for the light and joy the holy ghost brings into our lives. The illuminating truths that he whispers and confirms. I'm so thankful for the mysteriess that he unfolds line upon line to those that seek and desire to know. I'm so thankful for the house of the lord on earth, where we can not only go to be sealed as a family for time and all eternity but where we can go to learn. Learn more and more. Drinking deeply of the beautiful truths our father in heaven has to offer if we will keep and honor our covenants. We never stop learning. Always progressing. There is so much happiness to be had in this gospel! In the temple, in our sweet families that never end. What an incredible blessing our father in heaven has given us, to feel that love in a world that is a bit unstable and scary at times. I'm so thankful for the education that comes from the holy ghost. I'm so thankful to be a part of this chuch, to be born into the convenant of celestial marriage by two people who love and honor eachother and continually try to be better each day. I cant think of a better gift for children. My sweet mother and father, I love you with my whole heart and I cant thank you enough for your sweet testimonies and righteous desires. There is nothing like this work and I'm so thankful to be apart of it. I pray that it never ends. That I can come home and continue in the work of the lord forever.
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