Monday, September 27, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 20

Hello! Wow, It sounds like it was the perfect weekend! Each of you were in my thoughts all day on Friday. I thought about how Tim and Carlee were feeling, how my parents were feeling as you witnessed your sweet daughter kneel across the alter and join herself to that wonderful boy. What a blessing. I'm so excited to see pictures! I hope they get at least a few days to enjoy each other before they have to go back to work.

Well, I'm sitting here at the mission office, there is only one computer to email on so my sweet companion is waiting patiently as I write to my family. Everything is going well! A set of sisters in my district had their apartment broken into. In fact the men were in there when they opened the door. It was a scary experience and so they have been staying with us the last couple of days. Poor things. They ha vent gone back to get their stuff yet. Elder Walker (the missionary in charge of apts) is finding them another complex to stay in and all should be well in no time. Until then we are loving their company and enjoying eachothers personalities. Ha its been fun. We had the opportunity to go on exchanges with them. Hermana Maxwell and I were scheduled to go to the polga (flea market) and preach about the gospel. She woke up that morning and DID NOT want to go. So she took it upon herself to volunteer Hermana Maylett to be my companion for the day. With the zone leaders permission we headed down to the gulf bank polga and had a wonderful time. Lots of rejection yes, but it was a party and I laughed until I cried with the Hispanics as they made fun of my Spanish. Haha. I love these people! They truly are amazing. Each and every one of them. We taught 36 other lessons and invited 88 people to learn. Busy busy day but we were walking on cloud nine as we left. It was wonderful! That day we received a phone call from a women named Hna Martinez. She had just barely made the long, dangerous trip across the border and was praying that she could somehow get in contact with the missionaries. As she was sitting at the table in her cousins home a corner of a picture got her eye. It was buried under a stack of papers going to the trash but she grabbed it and recognized it as a picture from the chapel she attended in Mexico. She turned it over and right on the back in bold letters read LAS MISIONERAS with our number written below. She called and we went right over. It was a sweet, tender experience as she related the story to us and her testimony of the individual love our heavenly father has for each of his children. We invited her to the general relief society broadcast and were thrilled to see her when she showed up with the only items she brought with her- the clothes on her back. The sisters from our ward surrounded her after the meeting had ended and welcomed her with open arms. It brought tears to my eyes and was so thankful for the inspired message that was shared from our beloved prophet on charity just minutes before. I'm so excited to hear more from the lords servants this weekend as they share the words that have been received through Divine revelation for the benefit of the whole world. I love each of you and hope to hear from you soon!

Love, Hermana Porter

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