Monday, December 20, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 31

Hello my sweet family!
Merry Merry Christmas! FELIZ NAVIDAD! Especially to all of those that I wont be speaking with on Christmas day. I thank each of you for your sweet cards and gifts. Wow, what a treat to hear how each of you are doing. I cant thank you enough.
How was Disneyland?! Oh I hope you took lots of pictures and that they're in the mail headed my way. I'm sure watching Lucy's face was classic. Was it a party?! I'm sorry the weather wasn't the greatest but it sounds like it didn't stop you from enjoying yourselves. Good good:)
Well my goodness. It seems like its been awhile since I last emailed. This last week was a sweet one and I'm excited to talk to you about it on the 25th! We don't have a lot of time right now to email but I'm hoping there will be at least an hour to write you after this.
I've experienced a lot of feelings this last week. All over the board. I think the strongest one however is gratitude. Gratitude for so many things. Gratitude for most things really. I'm so thankful for this transfer. Not in the way most people would see it as but I truly am thankful to a loving heavenly father that cares so much about the direction we're headed. About the place that we'll end up in. Not only after this life but here. Here on the earth! Our very purpose in coming to earth is to have Joy and happiness. How in the world could we experience happiness and joy if we didn't have opposition. If we didn't experience things that bring sadness and regret? How would we ever be able to appreciate the sweet things, the important things if we never experienced the bitter. Oh how thankful I am for the plan of Salvation. For the plan of Happiness. For our purpose here on earth. To learn and to progress. To understand that its only through our righteous actions that brings peace of mind and comfort to our souls. It is only through the atonement of our lord and savior Jesus Christ that we can truly understand what it means to be forgiven. I'm so thankful for the mercy that the atonement provides. For the very act of repentance and being forgiven. For starting anew. I'm so thankful for the pure love of Christ. I'm so thankful for my sweet family who strives each day to become better. Are you perfect? Heavens no! But what would the point of the atonement be if you were? What would the point be of coming here to earth? How perfect is the plan?! Its amazing and I'm so thankful for the blessings that we receive through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. For the knowledge that we have of these things. That we are loved more than any of us can imagine. That we are prayed over, and fought over. There indeed is a war that continues to go on. The war between good and evil. The natural man and the nature of happiness which is righteousness. Wow, it is tough. But we wouldn't make it if it were easy. Wheres the learning in easy things? Wheres the appreciation? Life is exactly as it should be. Whether we think its fair or not. Its perfect because It allows us to choose for ourselves. The way has been prepared and all we need to do is continually choose righteousness. We have been given the ultimate example. Jesus Christ and if we will just follow him. Build our foundation upon Christ and his teachings we cannot fall. No if, ands, or buts about it. Its perfect. I love you all and I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas as you remember the important things. Our purpose here and who provided the way, even Jesus Christ. I love each of you so much! Merry Christmas!
Hermana Porter

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