Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lance Letter

Oct 25th 2010

Thank you so much for the letter!!!!! This week was fun, we have like no one to teach, but hey, We're on missions and I love it!!!!!!!

We actually go to a part-members house and read the Book of Mormon with them, or him, his name is Peter Recto. He’s sweet. Saturday we got up and played basketball with him and his Phillipino friends in a park. I was the only white guy there, ha ha; and they all spoke their own language and just laughed at me. I was bad; it's been a long time since I've played real basketball - it was so much fun though!

It has rained here a lot but it’s not too cold and yes, the coat has done wonders. Hey, can you guys send a sweat shirt because I don’t have one, ha; only if you have time that is. We haven’t been as obedient as I would like, as you can tell by our success. It’s difficult when you suggest to go tracting or street contacting and your companion just says "Nope, have fun" I guess we'll be working on that for the time being and inviting people to follow the Savior. Well, I love you all and hope everyone is striving to maintain the spirit in your lives. If we feel the spirit's influence in our own lives than we can be sure the Atonement is working as well. Keep the Faith, and endure to the end so at that last day we can stand before the Lord and say "I have fought a good fight" "I gave it my all" and then he will take us by the hand and say "Well done thou true and faithful servant, enter into my presence".

Keep that in mind as we live each day. Don't get caught up in the worldly things; also, stick to the basics, as Pres. Uchtdorff said, “Read the book of Mormon, and dwell on it continually . Strive each day to preach the gospel. If it seems difficult to do, start by saying "do you like to read?" they might say "yes". ask them if they would be interested in a book that talks about the Savior Jesus Christ visiting the ancient people in America after being raised physically from the grave. Hey you never know who the Lord has prepared to receive the message.”

Tell Ryan to be happy, to listen to good music, and stay positive. Give him a ton of encouragement. Thank you for the packages that are on their way. I’m excited! I love you all, once again.

Mom you are an Angel. Dad words cannot describe the love and respect I have for you. You are the biggest star in my eyes, In EVERYONES eyes!!! I'm doing great, I eat a ton and I am loving it. I’ll hear from you soon.

Love, Lance

PS. I have interviews with Our Very Own President Jackson!

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