Monday, October 25, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 24

Mondays mondays mondays.... They truly do come all to quickly, however, they seem to be the perfect little relief needed during the past busy week. Sweet mother, your emails could never be too long. I appreciate so much the information of all that goes on with my family and what everyone is up to. You're too great to keep me informed. Thank you thank you.
Wow, I cant believe Ryan is off again to try out for basketball! Too fun! A little nerve racking I'm sure but I know he'll do great! Please be sure to send pictures of Lucy and Logan in their Halloween costumes! I can only imagine how cute they'll be and how fun it will be for Carlee to take them around gathering candy. Haha Carlee is such a great Aunt. As much as she thinks she will always be the favorite I hope she knows that I will one day return home and fill my role as "the favorite" just as it should be. Haha enjoy this next year with them ;) I hope Tim Isn't frying his mind with all the studying he's doing for the LSAT. Yikes.... I don't even know what those letters stand for but to even look at it hurts my brain. I don't even know the half of what goes in to getting a good score on that test but I'm sure its not an easy process. I will keep him in my prayers.
Everything here in Aldine is going great! Yesterday I had been drinking water all day and needed to use the restroom while we were tracting. We saw a man working in his garage and asked if he had a restroom I could use. Turns out two elders ten years ago came over and he said it was a powerful visit but they never came back and he'd always wondered about them. Well, here we are again! His name is Pete and he was just on his way to San Antonio Texas to visit his family for a couple of weeks. We'll resume teaching him when he returns home. We've been teaching one of our investigators (Luis) for awhile. He loves hearing and learning about everything but every time we commit him to be baptized he says no. We finally came to the conclusion that he didn't have a testimony of Joseph Smith. Its so interesting to me the difference between believing something versus receiving a witness from the holy ghost that something is true. One is filled with power and truth and the other is just a piece of interesting information. I pulled out a Joseph Smith Pamphlet and told him to go home and read only that and pray about it for the next couple of days until we saw him next. He called us the following night and had a newness of excitement to learn more. He'd read and prayed about it and felt as though he'd received his answer. I pray that Holy Ghost can continue teaching him through these next few weeks. If not, I'm afraid we'll lose him. Its happened so many times and nothing is worse. We started teaching one young man awhile ago that was in the kitchen making food while we were teaching his dad, he apparently listened in and when we returned a few days later he had read the entire book of mormon. Yesterday we went by only to find out that he has no interest in changing and doesn't want to hear any more. Ouch! That one hurt. It had only been interesting information to him, nothing more. The importance of the holy ghost in conversion is vital. There is no other way to gain a testimony of necessary truths.
We have new week here and we're excited to once again go on our fun little tracting adventures in search of those precious children that are ready to hear and accept the sweet message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! I mean that with all of my heart. It indeed is a Marvelous work and I'm humbled and thrilled to assist the Lord in bringing about his work and glory. I Love you all and pray that you're moving forward with Faith in your Duty to God.

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