Monday, December 6, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 29

President Hansen-
Hello! How is everything going there in your office at home? I'm sure you're getting your fingers ready to warm up the keyboard with all your responses you'll be sending out today. President I don't know quite where to start. I feel so humbled at the opportunity both Hermana Stevenson and I have been given. I fill full of love and gratitude at how well the lord knows me personally. For how could you have known the reasons for pairing us up together. Yes, there are those that are a bit more obvious. We both need to learn Spanish, we both need to step up to the plate and take our role in leadership responsibilities but President, it goes so much deeper than that. I have found things out about myself in the last few days that I've been pushing to know for many years now. Things I do but don't quite know why. Things I've always wanted to fix but never really quite knew what they were. He sent Hermana Stevenson here for many purposes but one that stands out so clearly is the need for each other. The lessons and experiences that we will share together will shape and mold our character beyond what I can imagine now and I know that I will look back on this transfer as one of growth, learning, and love. President, I don't want you to worry about either of us this transfer. I am very aware that the lord knows exactly what he's doing and I couldn't be more thankful for the way he goes about doing them. President, I cant thank you enough for being exactly in tune with the spirit to know exactly the lords will. I thank you for being the instrument in his hands to bring about his wise purposes. Even now, the humility I feel is too great and I cant put it into words. Its all sitting in my throat! I'm trying to hold back the tears as I write you but I just want you to know how thankful I am for this great opportunity. I thank you will all of my heart for all that you do for each of the missionaries. Both seen and unseen. Perhaps the greatest of all is your dedication to the lord and your call. I thank you for the example you and Sister Hansen have been to me over the short time that I've been here and I love you both. Thank you for your prayers President Hansen.

Hermana Porter

My sweet Family! I was so thrilled to get your letters this week. Thank you thank you for taking the time to sit down and write to me. Especially little Ryan (not so little). Wow that was a surprise. I haven't heard from that one in awhile. I read it over and over again. His handwriting is so amazing! I couldn't figure out who had written me at first. I thought at first it was mom but then I realized she wouldn't have said "Everything is going great here in beautiful St. Geezy." Ha. I love my brother and cant express to you, Ryan, how proud I am of you. You're grades are perfect, you're so involved with basketball, and you're actively striving to do all that you can to qualify for the lords spirit. You're my example Ryan and I thank you for living the kind of life that others look up to and can follow.

You all are now aware that I am "Greenie breaking" this transfer and from the email I sent to President Hansen you have probably guessed that it hasn't been a walk in the park but oh how needed it has been, and is, and will continue to be. My Companions name is Hermana Stevenson. She grew up in Chicago as the only girl and really as the only child, considering all of her brothers are quite older than she and weren't around while she was growing up. I wont recount the first words that came out of her mouth when I went to pick her up but we'll just say she likes things her way. Which makes it a bit tough because neither of us have been put into a leadership position prior to this transfer. I will say this however. I come to learn something new about myself and life every day. Every night I sit down and right in a tab of my Journal that I've just labeled "Lessons learned by the spirit through Hermana Stevenson. You won't recognize me after this transfer! Haha. This is the very definition of the refiners fire and will stay, cook, and melt in there until the lord moves me elsewhere. My Companion and I sat down last night and had a rather lengthy conversation but I walked away from that with a better understanding of what I would like to change about myself. What I would like to improve upon in order to be a more effective instrument in the hands of the lord here on the mission and throughout life. Some of the comments that she directed towards me stung but not because of the harshness or way she put them but because I realized how true they were. I'm so thankful that the lord in his perfect wisdom has sent Hermana Stevenson here at this time to be my companion. That he knows the sincere desires of my heart and that he indeed answers prayers. We're being refined, molded, and shaped and its never been more apparent than now. I pray that both of us can cleanse ourselves enough through the atonement and have the faith to rely wholly upon the spirit to teach, preach, and testify of the message of the Restoration. That we can indeed be forgiven and cleansed through the great mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and one day return to our loving Heavenly Father and be with our families forever and ever never again to be separated. I love this work. I love the joy and peace that this gospel brings. How thrilled I am to have this knowledge, to be permitted to work in the lords vineyard. Its a sweet time of life right and I will treasure it forever. I love you all more than I am capable of expressing. Thank you for your prayers of love and support.

Love, Hermana Porter

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