Monday, February 28, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 41

Hello sweet dad!
How are you? Thank you for your wonderful email this week! It sounds like St. George has been in a bustle but why wouldn't it be? Its a little piece of heaven on earth. You know, I shouldn't talk about it but this week I've really been missing the radio tower. It was funny because while I've been walking around in the midst of zero mountains, surrounded only by clouds and sky, my mind has often turned to the fun memories of hiking up our little hill and looking over St. George and being able to see everything! Not only that but the wonderful conversations that have taken place while making our way up to the top and then back down the other side. Do you remember not too long ago when we thought we could beet the sun and make our way down the back way. Haha. I'm so thankful that I had my dad who's hiked it enough to know exactly where he's going. The funny part is that Lance wrote me this week and mentioned the longing for the "radio tower". I laughed and I look forward to the day that we'll all be able to hike up again as a family.
So this week has been one of the most successful if not thee most successful week that I've had on the mission. Just a week ago we had transfers and had the opportunity to have a couple sisters stay with us for a couple of days while they waited for the missionary to arrive that they would be training together. We went right to work and split off talking to EVERYONE. It resulted in 13 new investigators, 30 Lessons taught, 4 investigators with a date to be baptized this month and miracle after miracle after miracle. Truly the lord was walking with us every step of the way and in most cases he was the one teaching and inviting. I'm so thankful for my companion Hermana Bullock. She has a fiery passion for this work and her faith is unshakable. If mountains were located here, she'd be moving them. We had three investigators show up to church yesterday and one inactive member that hasn't come for over 8 years. That was a miracle. We pass by with her multiple times a week and to see the fruit of that labor was a sweet experience. At the beginning of the week I noticed that my wallet was missing, I looked and looked and looked for it but came up short. A few days later while we were walking down a street knocking doors, A man came running out of his house in our direction, He pulled my wallet out of his pocket and asked if we had been missing it. He said he found his dog playing with it earlier in the week and felt like he should come ask when we were walking by. MIRACLE! We contacted him right there and set up a return appointment for Tuesday with his family. This truly is the lords work. We are in his hands and if we will just be obedient he leads and guides us and walks beside us. He gets his work done. He does. We have little to do with it. But when we're faithful our eyes are opened and we're able to see the blessings of the lord flow freely into our lives. Its sweet to see what the lord can do with you when you are willing and open to it.
I'm so thrilled to hear about your new calling and I look forward to hearing some of the sweet experiences that will take place this year. I also want to hear about this "cleanse" that I'm sure my mom has found. Let me know how you feel and how it works. Its going to be a project to get my body back to its functioning order when I get home. I've somewhat put it into the back of my mind and know that there's not a whole lot that I can do here on the mission to fix it so I'm excited to see what magical formulas mom has in store. How are her Gluten Free cooking classes going? Oh ps. I was wondering if there was any way mom could send some more orange mascara from walmart my way... I don't know if she's already sent the recorder but if not that would be so wonderful if she could just throw some more in there. I'm running a little low on money. Thank you so much Dad! I love you and truly to miss you. I hope to hear from you soon!
Love, Lou

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