Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 40

Hi mamma:)
My goodness! Congratulations to dads new llamamiento! That's exciting. Singles ward. Yikes! Ha. That is wonderful. Can I just skip over that part and head right into the Family Ward? Done and done.
Thank you for the update on everybody. Poor Tim:( I hope that the surgery went well and that everything goes smoothly. Isn't it funny the imperfections and infirmities that we get to deal with in coming here to earth to figure things out in an imperfect world full of imperfect people. How in world do people do it without the gospel? Without the knowledge of the plan of Salvation. The Plan of Happiness and Hope? Can someone just give me a megaphone so that I can shout it from the roof tops? Its ridiculous the needless suffering and constant confusion that goes on. We have three baptism planned for the month of march and three more on the way. So if all goes according to plan and the spirit, we'll have six baptism this month. We just committed Carlos (one of our new investigators) to the 13 of March. Hes been nervous about it from the beginning but we just had an amazing lesson with him yesterday about the Doctrine of Christ and what it entails. Hermana Arzac from Argentina accompanied us. It couldn't not have gone better. Hermano Arzac shared his conversion story and the importance of having that desire and faith that you'll receive an answer. I love how straight forward and clear the Argentines are! Its amazing! They just tell it like it is and that's that's. No ifs ands or buts about it. Its really refreshing. Our ward is absolutely amazing. Each member is just excited as ever to get involved in the missionary work and our focus this transfer is going to be getting them to come out with us. Our entire sacrament meeting yesterday was dedicated to missionary work. Our recent convert Farley Andrade spoke along with Ana Vila (confirmed in January) and then Brian Biach (the bishops son and ward missionary) Hermana Bullock and I then had the "pleasant opportunity" (not so pleasant) of singing let us all press on. That was scary but it truly was an amazing day and there is a renewed energy and desire in the ward to move the work along at a greater pace. Our ward is really just a big family and there is a special bond there that I've never seen anywhere else. I'm thrilled to have another transfer here and will treasure each week. I wont waste a minute. There is so much to be done! So many families that have been prepared to hear, learn, and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and be baptized. In one year I will return and witness the sweet sealing ordinance that takes place only in the temple of the lord and we will rejoice together and reflect on the tender mercies of our heavenly father and Jesus Christ. We are so loved and there is so much in store for those that continue faithful in the Gospel. !Sigan Adelante! No pierdan esperanza.

I'm sorry about the lack of letters. I'll see what I can do today but you may have to wait a few months. Like eight or something. I really will try to be better. I am out of stamps however. I don't know if it would be too much trouble to send a few of those. That may motivate me:) I love you all and I'm so thrilled that all is going well over there. Thank you for your strength and testimonies. What a blessing you are to me.

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