Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 42

My sweet Momma! Wow, what a party everyone has had and will continue to have! My goodness, California, New York, Orlando Florida? Too too fun. I hope you're all just enjoying each other and the sweet spirit that comes when you are surrounded by family and loved ones. The more people I meet and speak with the stronger my appreciation grows for the blessing of being raised in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Greatest news in that entire email is that of your Garden! I'm so proud of you! I'm excited to hear about the magic that will come from your little green thumb:)
You're going to die but I'm sitting here in the mission office and am having to stop typing every 2 min to have a conversation with each missionary that walks through the door. The computers are located right next to the entrance and I'm afraid I'm going to have to try to write a hand written letter when I get back to the apartment but know that I love you with all of my heart and I'm so thrilled to hear that everything is going so well. How fun that you get to attend the YSA ward with dad! My goodness, your primary calling just did not last that long.
Everything is going so wonderful here in Spring. We are working our little bodies to that ground and I couldn't be happier! I truly feel like I wake up in the morning, study, walk out the door to work, and then moments later return home to go to bed and this happens over and over again. Its such an interesting sensation.
Oh, one of the missionaries has a sister in town and she's recieved permition to spend some time with her. Wow, how fun! I'll be home all too soon and what a sweet reunion it will be. Continue to pray for me and the people here in Spring TX and we'll do all we can to find the elect. Love you so much and I will talk to you next week!

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