Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 38

Hello Hello! I'm so sorry this is going to be thee smallest little note ever but I just wanted to tell you that I'm alive! Alive and happy happy:) Thank you for you sweet email mom. Always. You're just the very greatest. Thank you for taking the time to do that. I just wanted to ask dad if he remembers an Elder Good from the MTC. He said that he was in his district. He served in the same mission. He also said that dad was comps with an Elder Christensen.....?? Ha, I told him that I'm learning more about my dads mission from him than I ever did from my dad. Too funny. Anyway he said to tell him hello! He married an Argentinian and they have thee most beautiful children. Wow. He was the last Bishop in our ward. Our ward is full of people from Argentina and Columbia and Venezuela and everywhere. Its amazing. They are all so different but all so wonderful! I love each one. We just barely had Stake Conference yesterday and I went up to talk to the presiding seventy. He was the very sweetest and he wanted me to tell Bonnie and Elder Hammond that he loves them and misses them and to tell Bonnie that she had such an incredible impact on all those around her because of her pure love. We talked about Grandpa and Grandma for awhile and it was incredible. He was so sweet to take that time to ask all about them and share some sweet experiences. This last week was wonderful. We had to drop a couple of families because they're not progressing but we did find a couple new and we're excited to teach them. I have to go but I love you all and hopefully we'll hear from you soon!

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