Monday, February 14, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 39

Hi Momma:)
Happy Valentines day! What are you and dads plans for the day? Did he get you flowers like he always does? Oh I miss that. What a sweet dad that I have. I remember him giving us flowers. Probably because it was like yesterday that he did that. I was telling heather how unnatural time feels to me. Its rather uncomfortable. Interesting little observation. Same thing with being sick and feeling discouraged and all that comes with this life. Is that the wrong word to use? Unnatural? I don't know. But its how I feel. Anyway. I'm still recovering from a week full of sickness. But tomorrow I'm certain we'll be good as new and ready to baptize the world. I remember Grandpa saying my farewell just to be sure to leave the area better than you found it. I honestly can say that has been the case for the Woodlands. I don't have any reason to think that they are going to transfer me but Hermana Bullock and I have loved serving together these past 6 weeks and we truly have worked our hardest to set this area on fire. That is where its going and getting the members involved has been absolutely key in that process. What a difference it is to be so close with the ward. We just have a tiny little ward and we each know each other and love each other. Its wonderful! There is a fiery desire to get the work moving along and the stake has asked us to prayerfully come up with a number of people that we think we'll be baptized into the ward this year. We are going to fast and pray over this and then come together and discuss the game plan. Its is going be great!
Yesterday one of our Golden Investigators came to church yesterday with her entire family. Her name is Dolores, she is a single parent with three darling children. She asked amazing questions and we covered Adam and Eve in our Gospel Principals class yesterday which was perfect because our next lesson (tonight) we are going to be teaching the plan of salvation. She is so great! I may have already told you this but when we invited her to be baptized on March the sixth she asked "how old do you have to be to be baptized?" We told her eight years of age, she then look at her daughter who just turned eight and said "you and I are going to be baptized on March 6!" "Are you excited?" haha. Hermana Bullock and I were both speechless and we're just happy as ever with the direction the work is headed. Its a beautiful thing and we couldn't ask for more. The windows of heaven are truly showering us with blessings that there is not room enough to receive them.
Hermana Bullock will be getting ready to go home in May and I've learned not to say a word about it from the way she has reacted to other peoples responses.... Especially her family. Haha, its scary. Poor thing. But the lord has incredible plans for her up ahead. She just wants to leave them up ahead and chooses not to discuss them. She is wonderful and promises that no body will recognize her when she gets home. I'm still trying to figure out how much I've truly changed but hopefully the lord is able to make something decent out of me.
We're just getting ready to go but I'll try and write you a letter later on today If we have time.

Grandpa and Grandma- Thank you so much for your sweet email. I know Spanish will come and has come and is coming. It just chooses to leave me every now and then. Thank you for sharing the sweet experience of your ride home from the airport. What a blessing to be able to share the gospel for our entire lives and into eternity. I'm so thankful for this work. For the help of the lord in every aspect of his work. I have a long way to come but he's being ever so patient with me and is lovingly leading me along. I love you both with all of my heart. Enjoy your Valentines Day with each other!

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