Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 9

I'm so sorry to all for not being able to write yesterday! The school was closed for the holiday but here I am and all is well!

Thank you for your sweet email! The fourth was great! I didn't get to experience the beauty of the fireworks as I'm sure Elder Porter did but I had the splendid opportunity of listening to them throughout the night... (painful) No:) It was great! I thought of my sweet brother Ryan the whole day and his goodness and righteous desires for life. I'm so thrilled to hear he enjoyed every second of EFY. What cherished memories I have of those few years I went to BYU Provo for EFY. I hope he is able to go again next year. I hope he is able to take what he felt and apply what he learned so that those same feelings can remain with him. Ryan, If I could be with you for just two min I would give you a great big long hug and tell you how wonderful you are. How great you are. How much the lord loves and cherishes you. How much your family cherishes you. Oh how I miss you my brother. You have so much to offer all of Heavenly Fathers children on earth through the amazing gifts he has blessed you with long before you came to earth. I hope you take great care in developing and strengthening the talents and traits the lord has given you to serve his children on earth. Oh Ryan. I love you more than I can say and want you to know that youre doing just great. You keep going. You continue all that youre doing. Realize that with your Savior Jesus Christ you can accomplish anything that you stand you need of. Ryan I encourage you to search the scriptures. To understand the power that comes when you have faith and when you believe. I Love you my brother and I thank you for all that you are and all that you are becoming. I feel so blessed to sit back and watch the lords plan for you unfold. Its humbling and I'm thankful to be apart of it. Same goes for all of my siblings. I love each of you dearly and I thank you for yours prayers of Love and support.

Everything in Katy is going great! I have much to learn but I'm confident the lord in his timing is teaching me. I don't know that I always recognize it until a little later but when I look back It is easy to see the lords hand in all things. This week has been a humbling one but I know that is has been necessary. I often return home wondering if I did everything I could. Asking myself if my will is truly in line with my fathers will. Oh how many weaknesses I have. I have often wished that I could just strip all the pride away at once! Oh the things I have to learn. Regardless of my weaknesses the lord in his goodness continues to bless me, love me and teach me. How thankful I am for my Savior Jesus Christ and his perfect atonement. I'm so thankful for the experiences I have each day that testify again and again the love our Father in heaven has for each of his children. I'm so thankful for the boy prophet Joseph Smith who acted on his thoughts and feeling and inquired of the lord what he was to do. For his perfect faith that he would receive an answer. I know that the lord answers prayers. I know that he speaks to his children and cares about their happiness and well being. I know that he sees the end from the beginning and is with us every step of the way and stands ready to assist in times of need. I'm so thankful for this knowledge. For the Holy Ghost and the comfort and peace that he provides. For the truth that he whispers and confirms through a still small voice. I'm so thankful for the knowledge that I will have my family forever and that we will continue on in progression through all eternity. I'm so thankful to be here in Katy Texas to share with those who don't know that they have a loving Heavenly Father who loves them beyond anything we can imagine and that through baptism by proper authority and receiving the gift of the holy ghost they can enter into his presence as they continually strive to obey his commandments and keep their covenants. I love this gospel with all of my heart and i'm so thankful to be apart of the lords work at this time and forever.

My time is gone but I love each of you and thank you for everything you are and strive to become.

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