Monday, July 12, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 10

My sweet family! Thank you for the fun update of Idaho and all the doings of your life. You are always in my prayers and thoughts and I thrill to hear that you're safe and happy. Thank you for attaching your email to Elder Porter. For the first time I'm not wondering what he's doing. If he's safe or who's he's with. He is in the lords hands and could not be in any better situation than the one he is in right now. I'm so glad you had the opportunity of spending time with the sweet Hammond Family. Truly, that could very well be the next best place than where Elder Porter and I are. I'm excited to raise a little family in truth and righteousness and to have a burning desire to do the saviors work here on earth and beyond. Oh dear I shouldn't be talking about that while here on the mission but I will say that learning more and more about Heavenly Fathers love and plan for his children and all that he wants for them doesn't help me in setting aside my feelings for a future family. Haha. Ok enough of that! Yes, I will try and answer some of your questions. Although they were many. Like I've mentioned my companions name is Hermana Hastings. Darling darling girl. In fact the first time we met I knew we'd be companions. That is the honest truth. We couldn't get along any better. Sometimes I feel that its a bit of a setback. We're not suffering enough! When I go through and read the ministry of Paul I get discouraged and wonder when the stoning and spit is going to come! We do have a few things in common however.... many people rejecting the truth. Ouch. That always hurts. Especially when you form somewhat of a relationship before you give them your most precious gift. The Gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and his perfect atoning sacrifice. However, a few of them, I know, gave room for the seed to be planted, and down the road it will stir in their hearts and they will search it out to see where this stirring is coming from and when they do, the lord will guide them to the source because he loves them and desires their happiness forever. We are teaching a boy by the name of Jorge right now. Well I say a boy. He's 27. I know that he is one of the elect that god has been preparing. My companion thinks that he's stubborn because he has many doubts and questions but I love it. This tells me that he wouldn't commit to something he didn't understand or think was truth. I know that the lord is working with him and he's in the process of gaining that sweet personal witness and testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. He will be baptized and he will be given the gift of the holy ghost and he will be a mighty instrument in the hands of the lord in bringing others to the truth. I know it.
What more can I tell you? I love the Latino people! They are absolutely beautiful! Wow! Inside as well as out. I would love to move here after the mission. I love Katy! I love the weather and the people. I love how they drive! haha. Silly? Its true. I love the sky more than anything! However I will say that I miss the mountains. Oh how I miss the mountains! They were always my safe place when I was living in Utah. You all can relate to this I'm sure.
Bryce thank you for you sweet email. I cannot tell you how much it helped me. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and expressing empathy. Ha. Its not easy having people look at you like you're speaking gibberish. Even though it is the case. (it makes sense in my mind) haha. How is Elder Lunt doing? I hope he is loving and cherishing every moment. I hope that for both he and Elder Porter. I know there are not many people that listen to me and reject my placing in their hands the book of mormon but how thankful I am to be here. To witness gods love for all of his children. To have the opportunity to partake in this glorious work. I know that each of us are being prepared for great things to come. More work! I glory in this thought. That it never ends. That we continue to help, to learn, to strive, to LOVE. Its perfect. This life is perfect and I thank my sweet family for following the lord in all things and raising me with this knowledge! I love each of you with all of my heart and want you to know how much your prayers of love and support make a difference. I feel them and see them answered daily. I love and thank you!

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