Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 11

Oh my word I'm so relieved to finally hear from Lance! Thank you my sweet mother for sending me his emails. He sounds like he's doing amazing! I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face as I read each word he had written. My companion kept looking over at me, wondering what in the world. Haha I love that boy and thrill at each experience he has. I'm cant stop smiling! I'm so happy right now. I've been so happy! I'm so sorry I haven't been writing about my experiences here on the mission. Let me assure you there have been many. Thus the reason for the happiness:) Hermana Hastings and I were invited to a four day leadership training on a brand new curriculum that will change the way we've been doing missionary work in every way. The spirit was incredibly strong the entire time we were learning and taking in all of these changes. I know each missionary invited walked away with an unshakable understanding that it was inspired of god. How thankful I am for continuing revelation! Nothing would get done without it! I wish I had more time to go into the details. I know that they'll be introducing it to the MTC in May 2011. Until then, everyone out in the field will be applying it starting now so when the missionaries coming out after may of next year it will be habit. I had the opportunity to go on splits with one of the English sisters during this leadership training session and as always the spirit works in mysterious ways. We couldn't find one of the houses that we had planned on contacting so as we were driving we just decided to park our car and walk. We made our way into a trailer park and knocked on one of the homes there. A man came out took one look at us and started yelling for his son. I didn't know if he was yelling at us so I started backing away. Ha thinking back on it I'm sure it would have been hilarious to watch from outside of the situation. A few seconds later a boy about 23 years old made his way out of the trailer. I think he had just woken up because he had no shirt on and was a little groggy. My first thought was oh dear, what are we doing I said a quick prayer as my companion was talking to him and right after that everything changed. I knew instantly that he'd been waiting for our message. It was incredible. He invited us in. I all but ran in after him. We found out his name was Kip and talked to him about his life for about five min. Talk about trials. He had been through a lot. I kept thinking I wish Lance was here. He would know what to say. We asked if we could kneel down and have a prayer. He looked a bit hesitant but finally consented. We sat down and through the holy ghost I was able to bare witness of the love his father in heaven has for him. That the lord has amazing things prepared for him and that through Jesus Christ he can turn away from his sins, repent, and become a new person. I told him of the potential he had. That his father in heaven has been preparing him- that everything he's been through (which was a lot) has shaped and molded him and prepared to him to receive these things. I told him his life was about to change and that he didn't need to feel trapped anymore. It was quiet for a min. He asked if he could show us something on his I-pod. He couldn't find it but said that he'd recorded a song about running away, about escaping and getting out of the life he'd had but not knowing how. We introduced him to the book of Mormon and read Alma 7:11-12. I felt prompted to read of alma the youngers experience. I had him turn to chap 36 of Alma and read vs 18-21 out loud. I testified of the joy and love that comes from repenting. The sweet feeling of being born of god, of being clean. We told him that as he came to understand that these things are true that he would want to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. We asked him if he could start preparing himself now for baptism on Aug 22. He said he would. We invited him to start reading the book of Mormon and to pray to know if what he was reading was true. I promised that if he would abstain form smoking and drinking he would receive an answer that it was the word of god and that he has a specific purpose in this life and if he would keep his mind clear, the holy ghost would speak all of this to him. We asked him how he felt. He said that he didn't know how to describe it but it felt good. He said he's never felt it before. I testified that it was the holy ghost bearing witness of the truth that we were speaking and that he would feel the same way while reading the book of Mormon.
It was an incredible experience. I have a testimony of this simplified curriculum. I know that Kip has been prepared to receive this message and change his life through the Savior Jesus Christ. He will be baptized and he will be renewed through the Saviors atoning sacrifice. Nobody will even recognize him. How each of us need that perfect atonement. We each need to be forgiven or there is no hope. What a blessing it is to have the sacrament each week to renew that first covenant we made at baptism. I'm so thankful for this gospel. For this mission! This sacred calling that I have the opportunity to be apart of. There is no greater blessing in all of the world than to witness the change that comes in ones life when repenting, becoming converted, entering the waters of baptism and with the gift of the holy ghost starting that wonderful journey that leads to eternal life. I love the gospel with all of my heart and soul. I love each of you with every fiber of my being. I know I've said it before but oh how I wish there exsisted words that could convince you of how I truly felt.

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