Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 58

Hi momma!
How are you?! Thank you for the sweet email this week! I love hearing how everyone is doing (STILL) Don't feel like just because the time is drawing nigh that those need to stop. Keep the letters and support coming. Especially in these last couple of months. We are working harder than ever to find those that the lord wants in his church. We ARE finding them. Where to even start with all the Miracles and experiences of the mission?! I don't think I could. Like I say, it has truly all just been one sweet experience.
You wouldn't recognize Wencesloa if you knew him 5 weeks ago. He is a completely different person. He is 52 years old. When we walked into his home for the first time you would have thought that he was at least 82. That is not a lie. He had no life in him. He could barely speak and now... wow. I can't even begin to tell you what the knowledge of the gospel has done to him. The knowledge and testimony of his Savior Jesus Christ. He's amazing and happy. One of the many miracles that we witnessed this week was from Wencesloa. He has been separated from his wife for many many years. They are still married but not living together. She lives in Veracruz Mexico and they haven't had a sweet relationship since they were married 30 years ago. He called her yesterday before church to tell her about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. She told him that for the last 2 weeks she has been receiving visits from the Elders of the Mormon church and they visited for 2 HOURS about it! He was so happy and excited to tell us. He said that he wants to go back to be with his wife and he also told us how close the church is there from his home in Mexico and that the temple is not far either. Is that just the greatest news that you've ever heard! That is some sweet joy right there.
There are many more stories that I want to share from this week but I have to go cut a few of the elders hair.... Yay for service!
I love each of you so much. I'm so thrilled to hear that all is going well and that you're healthy and happy. I'm excited to hear your voices on the recorder. That will be too fun. Mom, I'm so thrilled that you had the opportunity to talk to Tabitha in the temple! Oh my word, what an amazing person she is, and in the Celestial room of all places! She was one of my favorite companions. If you ever see her again tell her that I love her and think that she is just the very greatest. I feel like I'm missing something... Like there is something I need to tell you but my mind is drawing a blank so it must not be that important. I love you and hope to hear from you soon! Hug Ryan for me I miss that boy! Kiss him too!

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