Monday, June 13, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 53

Good morning one and all!
This may not be very long but everything is going well! The work is moving forward. There is much to do today (as always). I get cut a few peoples hair today. Haha. Its funny but I'm thrilled to do it. What can I tell you this week. We are teaching Rosibel, Adrianna, David, Claudia, Laura, Humberto and many others but those are the ones that are progressing the most (coming to church, reading the book of Mormon, and praying,) they're not perfect at keeping their commitments but they are on their way to baptism and we couldn't be more thrilled! We are also working with many less actives and that's a tougher situation. People that have known the joy that the gospel brings and have chosen to take a step back and do their "own thing". It is beyond me how that happens but maybe that's a little closed minded on my part. I'm sure they have their stories to share about it but wow. Just come back and receive the greatest happiness that only comes in living the gospel! A lot of it is just laziness and a lack of desire to discipline themselves. Clearly, its not an easy thing to do but that is where sincere prayer and scripture study comes in. You can't do it by yourself because to be honest, yourself isn't a whole lot. In fact that attitude is serving the natural man and why would the natural man ever want to come back to church or go to the temple? He doesn't. He can't. The Natural man is an enemy to god and has been from the fall of Adam and will be forever and ever. We have got to put off the natural man and turn to the only one that makes us worth anything. Our Savior Jesus Christ gives us the strength and the capacity to overcome our weaknesses and ourselves. We don't have to be stuck to what "we" think we want to do. We CAN do what our Heavenly Father knows will make us the happiest. We not only can but we must because it is the only way back to his presence to live with our families forever. There's only one way and that is through Christ the lord. The one name given under heaven whereby man can be saved.
The Lord is indeed getting his work done. The other day we were knocking doors and came upon one that looked a little scary, (quite a few dogs outside, barking, not chained up) normally I would ask my companion if we could come back a little later but..... The spirit had a different plan, the fear was washed away as quickly as the thought came to walk away and we marched right up to the door. The second we knocked on the door a boy of about 20 years old walked out and asked if we would come in before we even said a word. We acted as if that were normal and asked how he'd been doing haha it was funny. He brought out two cold waters and told us to sit down. He continued to tell us about how the elders had knocked on his door 7 days ago and they had talked for an hour about god and the purpose of life. He didn't give them his number and ironically they didn't give him theirs. He had forgotten to what church they belonged and wanted them back. He told us what a miracle it was that we showed up on the door step. By the way the home that we knocked was not his but his aunts and he had woken up that morning and decided to come visit her. Coincidence? I think not! There are zero coincidences in this work. Any missionary can testify to that. This is the work of the lord and we are instruments in his hands being used right and left, however and whenever seemeth him good. He hears the prayers of his children, he knows their thoughts, wants, and worries. He works according to their desires and out of the love he has for us. The perfect love. I don't know that any of us can quite comprehend just what that perfect love looks like, or sounds like but I know what it feels like and there is nothing more penetrating or profound than the pure love of Christ. Its powerful and changes lives. The life of Christ was perfect in every aspect and sense of the word. If we so desire to understand and comprehend it a bit further we each have the opportunity to study his teachings, his example, and the life he lived. That will do more for us than anything we could come up with on our own.
I love you all and pray for you daily. Everything is going great and I couldn't be happier! Thank you for your love, thoughts, and prayers. The gospel is true! Love you Love you!

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