Monday, June 6, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 52

Hello Hello to my wonderful family!
How are you all doing this week? I won't lie, this day has been a long time coming. It's been quite a week. Full of emotions and miracles. Ha I honestly think you will all just die when I tell you the stories of the mission. You'll laugh and cry and just shake your heads at some of the stuff that goes down here. Wow. It is one giant roller coaster ride and we all just hang on for dear life! Never is it one straight shot. You will go from the highest of the highs to the lowest of the lows all in one hour. And then it continues throughout the week. Sometimes the day... I may be stretching it a little bit but my goodness. It definitely keeps you on your toes. So exciting!!
Fun news from home! How great that Tim is going to be taking the big test! He will pass he will pass he will pass!! Even with flying colors:) He and Carlee both will be in my prayers. Congrats to Kenz! That's so fun! Baby number two! Yeah yeah yeah for babies! I hope Ryan does well at basketball camp and that his ankle isn't bothering him too much.
We went fishing this morning with Elder Esplin, Elder Hill (our zone leaders) and then Elder Stringham and Elder Simpson. I caught TWO turtles! haha that was scary. They were not happy! Lots of snapping going on. Haha, poor things.
I feel like I have sooo much to talk about. I don't even know where to start. We have many new investigators and are confident that they will each grab hold of the iron rod and continue onward. They will be baptized hopefully within the next month. That is the prayer. Its weird feeling like you only have a short time left with your mission president. I didn't think I would get so attached but what a blessing to be able to continue that relationship with them throughout my life. Obviously they won't be so readily available but I'm so thankful to my heavenly father for allowing me to serve so closely to such celestial people. The Hansens, the Hammond's (all of you), the Porters (all of you) my sweet family, HEATHER. I am overcome with the love that he has for me, the love that he has for each of his children. Isn't it remarkable. It becomes more and more apparent as you serve your brothers and sisters that are all around you. I'm so happy! The gospel makes people happy! Plain and simple as that. True happiness comes in knowing the plan of our heavenly father and then sticking to that. Not a complicated thing to figure out. Now, clearly when you toss Satan into the mix he tends to make things harder than they need to be but he plays a very significant role in it all as well so being aware of it all is the safest, most secure way back to our heavenly father and we become aware through a consistent study of the book of Mormon, praying both day and night and in between, going to the temple as often as time permits, and service! Serve serve serve. There are so many people that just need to be loved and hugged and listened to. Pray for an opportunity to serve and it won't be long until you find yourself being drawn to someone without you really knowing why, you'll find out as soon as you offer that help that we are all so capable of giving.
I love you all and I'm well aware that I am preaching to the choir. You're all so wonderful and my greatest example of Christ like living. Thank you for keeping your testimonies burning bright and avoid the tarnish that comes as we neglect those small and simple things that are essential in coming to understand the plan that has been prepared, Christ being the center core of it. He is the one true way to happiness. It is only in and through our Savior that we can gain eternal life. I know that is true. I love you I love you I do I do! You're just the very greatest and pray for your safety and happiness. Stay True!

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