Monday, May 9, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 49

Hello sweet momma! How are you?! I felt a little bit unsettled after the phone call home last night. I didn't feel like I heard a thing about anybody. I talked about things that honestly didn't matter and I want to ask for your forgiveness. I want to know how you're feeling. What you're doing. What goals you're working on. You're too funny about not feeling worthy to be our momma. How wrong you are. You are quite worthy. You have brought up each of us to where we are today and I assure you from the bottom of my heart that you're doing exactly what the lord would have you do. Thank goodness for our own personal weaknesses to humble us and help us realize our total dependence on the lord in every aspect of our lives. Yes, especially when it comes to raising children. I truly need to put all of these words that I'm writing into practice. I told you yesterday about the feelings that I had been having of unworthiness, of weaknesses, at times overwhelming, But then I get together with a bunch of missionaries and they all give me a reality check and I'm on my way again. Putting my trust in the lord and knowing that my Savior has suffered all things so that I may come unto him and be healed. Oh the healing that I need! Its a long surgery but one day I will be through it, healed, whole, glorified, and perfected. Won't that be a perfect day! Will it all come at once? Nope, It is why we are here my dear. To learn, to grow, to rely wholly upon the one who is mighty to save. Our Savior Jesus Christ.
I told you last night that the mission is not easy. I don't want you to misunderstand. The missionary work could not be better. I love talking to the beautiful Hispanic people. I love sharing the good news. I love this work with all of my heart and I will continue to love it for as long as I live. We are in the work of saving souls and there is nothing more rewarding and sanctifying as serving the lord with all of your heart, might, mind, and strength. The hard part comes in not understanding the plan, not realizing that the lord has it figured out. That he is here every step of the way, The hard part is giving into discouragement because of personal weaknesses. It is Satan's work to make us all miserable like himself and I'm telling you that it is a fight at times. But my goodness. Who am I to forget that the lord is fighting just as hard, Not only the lord but those that he sends, We have angels round about us to bear us up. I am learning a lot out here. I'm learning that the Lord loves us stronger than any of us realize. I'm afraid I don't know the smallest part of that love but I do know that it is real. I've seen it. I see it in the life of every person that I come across. Each of us are here today striving and trying our best because the Savior came and prepared the way that we may accomplish what we've been sent here to do. Gain a body and Keep the commandments with a happy heart. You are doing great mom. More than great! You just keep striving and trying to do all that you've been asked to do. Fulfill you're calling, be a happy person. Smile at those who pass you by and be ready always to give an answer for the hope that is in you. You are an elect lady and I feel blessed beyond measure to have you in my life.
Sister Bullock and I went Fishing this morning with Elder Clegg and Elder Esplin. The elders were nice enough to let us rill in whatever "they caught" Haha. It was a blast. Elder Clegg caught a turtle and I caught a little baby catfish. Wow What a party it was! I love our district. I don't know that I'll be able to get any letters off today because we'll be playing sand volleyball with the zone and if anyone is seen writing letters they'll get a long lecture about "breaking the unity" Haha They're too funny. Elder Esplin Informed me that I will be training next transfer. I have no idea how he found that out but I am really nervous and I would love your prayers and anything else you feel might help. I will certainly need it. One of the sweet benefits of training is that you get to go to the temple one extra time with your greenie. That will be a huge blessing. I love you all with all of my heart and pray that you're happy and healthy. Have a wonderful week!

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