Monday, January 24, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 36

Wow, it sounds like everybody just had an incredible time up north this week. My word, Aren't you just so thrilled for the everlasting family relationship? So grateful for the knowledge that we can continue sister relationships beyond this life. That we can continue to Love each other! Continue to share sweet experiences and form incredible memories. We get to continue on! Continually progress. I cant think of anything sweeter in all of the world. It makes me realize how each family relationship in this life is a treasure beyond anything we can truly comprehend. How thankful I am that the lord has provided us a way to seal the family bond beyond the grave and to experience a piece of the love and joy we will feel when we inherit eternal life. There is no greater blessing that we are given than that of eternal life and the cherished blessing of continual progression, continual creation of life. Its all just sweet.
Yes, Farley is still on for the 30th and we're actually meeting with him today to go over his program for his baptism. He is so wonderful. So prepared. We had a lesson with him last night and starting reviewing the baptismal interview questions and he had a hangup on the word of wisdom concerning coffee. Wow, After some intense testifying, promising blessings, and testifying some more he walked away with a better understanding and a renewed commitment to never pick up another cup of coffee again. He is truly one of the elect and has been well prepared to take upon himself the name of Christ and endure to the end. He's just a champ in every way and I'm so grateful for the sweet relationships that I have had the opportunity of forming while on my mission. Wow, its just humbling.
Mom, I will indeed find the time today to write out some of the amazing miracles that have happened in just this one transfer alone. Its amazing to be apart of it and I thrill at every person we get to talk with about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and that there is a way that we can be with our families forever! Each person we come in contact with brings us that much closer to those that are ready. This last week alone we found 4 new families that we hope to be teaching on a regular basis shortly. That's the goal. Finding families. Getting them in on this wonderful plan together! United and continually striving to help and lift each other, supporting one another. I cannot think of a greater support system in all of the world than that of my family. Lehi left Jerusalem with his family, Nephi and his brothers went back to get their future families (as I will do... one day) Ishmael took his entire family into the wilderness. Its all about the family! What else is there? I just couldn't have a fullness of joy without them. Would it really be eternal life with only part of your family there? My word, heaven forbid I may just opt for a different kingdom. Ok, that was certainly not true. But even if some go kicking and screaming I will see to it that my kids are with me forever. Carlee and Ryan but have to drag some of them by their feet but they'll catch the vision and they'll thank me:) Ha. Don't you love the gift of agency:)
My goodness, I'm clearly more than passionate about that one inparticular subject. All is going well and we are just working working working. Showing the lord that we will go to whatever length needed to accomplish his purposes. He is in charge and he gets his work done as if it were out of our hands. Miracles are taking place right and left and I'm could not be more thrilled to be apart of it. Tell Paige that I did not receive her package:( Hopefully soon. I think I remember the elders saying something about that but I will just have to wait patiently until that can get it to the office. I am praying for your entire family Paige and know that the lord will place you wherever you will benefit most, now and down the road. There is a plan and all we need to do is live the gospel, keep the commandments, and endure to the end. He's got it taken care of. The way has been prepared and we need not worry if we will just trust him. I love you all with my whole soul and pray for you happiness and protection. Thank you for sharing that about Bretts phone call. That thrilled my soul to hear about Lance. I already know it but it makes me happy when others recognize it as well. He truly is a special boy and my best friend. (As are you Ry) I love you all!

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