Monday, January 3, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 33

Hello sweet family! Happy new year! Wow, 2011. The years just keep rolling by don't they. Oh but wasn't 2010 great! It truly was. Lots of incredible things happened. Sweet memories were formed, new friends were made, miracles occurred. I'm so thankful for the gospel that is the center of it all. Everything is going just as it should be. Not easily but there is no question that its going. Look, we're in new year! That's proof that the time is moving! Haha. We have a couple investigators right now that have accepted their baptismal commitment and one working toward a date. The other is Jehovah's Witness and is a bit tougher to reach. She has a strong testimony of what she's been taught through them and I pray with all of my heart that we can get the spirit in there to teach her the truth. Transfers are coming up this next week and I really feel as though I'm staying in Aldine. I hope that is the case. I just love it here. I love the area and the people. I don't feel like we've accomplished what I know we're capable of and I feel as though I need more time. But if it comes down to what I feel and where the lord would have me go I think I'll take the sure way which always is the lords way. I'm so sorry this isn't going to be too long. But know that everything is just going great! That the Texas Houston mission is skyrocketing on Baptisms right now and there have been miracles after miracles occur. Its an incredible sight and I couldn't be more humbled and thrilled to be right in the middle of it. I hope everyone is happy and healthy and doing all that they can to seek those that are in need of the gospel. Whether they're members or not. Oh how we all need the healing in our lives that only the savior can provide. Pray for opportunities to be an instrument in the lords hands for any one of his children on the earth. I love you each with all of my heart and hope you have a wonderful week!

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