Monday, January 17, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 35

Hello my sweetest family! Dad, I did not forget about you! Happy happy birthday! I feel like I'm going to pass you up by the time I hit 30! Its like you're aging backwards! There is a little card on its way. Its weird skipping over the tradition of a bajio gift card and movie tickets. Haha. I need to come up with something else anyway:) Next year we'll do something great! I hope you had a good one and just enjoyed your sweet wife. My near perfect mother. Isn't she just wonderful?!
Mom, I printed out your email and quickly skimmed through it and will be sure to read it later. Lots of sad news it sounds like. Poor Rynearsons. I hope they're doing ok. I will be sure to pray extra hard for their family. I'm so sad. We just loved Thelma. She is not a far off however and she is happy and at peace. What a wonderful woman she is. She gave us Randy! We will bless her name forever. I was sick to hear about Regan. My word! That just hurts me. I hope he's doing ok. Such a great guy. He'll find someone soon soon. The Warners are such a great family and he served such a good mission. The lord has much in store for him.
I couldn't be more thrilled to hear about your Gluten Free Cooking classes. What a party! Write everything down word for word. I will need every single recipe for when I get home. Haha. My poor family is going to get so sick of my chopped up vegetables. Its quite ridiculous. ps. yes I received the millers Christmas package. I thought I wrote that home but please tell them thank you thank you. I was thrilled! Oh, another thought, I walked into a home this last week and it smelled exactly like the oliversons! Tears almost ran down my cheeks as memories came rushing back of all the sweet, fun times I had with the twins. Wow.
Everything is incredible here in the Woodlands. The ward, the members, the area. Its all just beautiful! We work super super hard from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. Its incredible and I love ever second of it! My companion is sister bullock and shes just a little ball of energy. Oh my word is she ever. She just is amazing and I love being her companion. I'm learning more than ever and I'm excited to be here. We have some great investigators and always looking for more! It would take me another hour to write about all of the miracles that have come to pass since I've been here but one day we will get to sit down and share back and forth of all that has happened in the last year and a half. Until then I will just say that we have a Baptism on the 30th of Jan. His name is Farley and he's just the very elect. Wow. Talk about being prepared by the lord. He's incredible. We're excited and happy as ever. I love each of you with all of my heart. Thank you for your prayers and love!

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