Monday, January 10, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 34

Hello hello my wonderful family!
It sounds like everyone is doing wonderful and that you're on your way to recovery from the havoc Lucy and Logan caused while they were there. Ha. That was a complete joke. What a treat have your sweet grand babies with you for 5 months. Wow. They'll be home just before you know it. There will be many wonderful things to come this year. I can feel it. I love the year 2011! Look at it! Doesn't that just look right?! It will be great!
Transfer calls have been made and it looks like they're shipping me out. I'm headed to the exact opposite of my area now. Instead of living in little Mexico I'm headed to a city full of rich, white people. (Is that too general?) Even more so than my first area. We'll be flipping over rocks to find the Hispanics! Ha. It will be an adventure but a rich one, full of sweet experiences of joy and success. I know it will! Hermana Bullock will be my new companion. She is a 5ft little ball of energy. Oh my word. I went on exchanges with her a little while ago and can honestly say it was a defining experience. We left each home full of the spirit and had amazing success in just one day. My new address will be 26325 Northgate Crossing Blvd. #1621 Spring TX 77373. My area is called the Woodlands and truly I'm just excited as ever. It will be an incredible transfer.
Luis, our investigator who is set for baptism on the 29 did not come to church this last week, so again... we'll have to move it back a week. One of these days I'm just going to break down and ball my eyes out in front of them and get on my hands and knees and plead with them to get it through their heads that they have to keep their commitments or they will go no where in life! How can you progress anywhere without the gospel?! We have one of the members go by each week to go get him but he always gives silly excuses. I'm going to tell Hermano Espinosa (the Lehi of our ward) to go pick him up and drag him out by the ear. Ohhh that would be so good. Sister Stevenson is going to keep me informed with Luis and hopefully I'll be able to attend his baptism soon.
Oh the experiences and lessons that I've learned here! What incredible memories that have been made and will be cherished forever. What incredible people we've met. Seeds indeed have been planted and they will be harvested hopefully sooner rather than later. They just need time. Its an interesting concept to me. Why do people need time to be happy? Its a riddle that I'm afraid will go unsolved. Why don't people understand that to continue serving the natural man only leads to sadness and momentary pleasure. When they could embrace the gospel and indeed understand true happiness. That a righteous life is a rich life. full of sweetness and understanding. Who doesn't want to understand the mysteries of life. The mystery of why we're here. Our very individual purposes as sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father. Who doesn't want to know that?! Why do people like feeling lost and confused? Why go on questioning when you can have the answer? When the answer is staring at you in the face?! The gospel is the answer. Jesus Christ is the way. The truth the life. My goodness. I get a little bit worked up over this at times. Especially when I feel the joy, happiness, and healing process of the atonement.
I love you all. I thank you for your sweet testimonies, for you prayers of love and concern. Everything is going great! I'm happy as ever and am looking forward to what today will bring.

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