Monday, June 28, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 8

!Hola Hola Hola! How is everyone?! My dear sweet mother, thank you for you faithful writing and updates on everything. You're too cute and I cant thank you enough. I'm so glad to hear about Lex, Aspen, and Gentry! It sounds like they'll be busy with life for awhile. Haha, if they only knew how true that statement is. Busy, trying to figure life out. We really are quite silly if you think about it. I've done so much thinking in the past two years its a wonder I didn't develop some kind of brain disorder. I'm coming to understand the importance of just pressing on. It doesn't matter if you don't understand everything. You're not supposed to. You just be a good person, honor your covenants and keep moving. Have faith that somebody does understand, that he does know the outcome, the plan, and the way, because he is the way. Our Savior Jesus Christ has prepared the way to return back to our Heavenly Father and we need not worry about a thing when we are following him. For heavens sake I'm on a mission! Is that not proof enough that everything is in the Lords hands?! Study your scriptures, speak to your father in heaven, keep the commandments, and press forward with faith and enjoy witnessing the miracles that take place in your life when you keep an eye single to his glory.

I'm so thrilled to hear that Lance is doing so well. How else would he be doing?! This is Lance we're talking about, made into an Elder with a mantle placed upon him! I don't know that there's another option for that boy but to be great! I want so much to have time to write him and talk like we used to upon things that matter, things of eternal significance. I miss those conversations. I'm learning to rely wholly upon the lord here in Katy. He is whom I speak with about the things of my soul, my desires, my concerns. He is whom I give my gratitude for where I am, what I am, and for who I am. I'm so grateful to be here! I truly love Katy. I love the weather. I love my ward, I love the people. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging. When I say everyone I really do mean that. Weather they've heard about your church or not, they want you to succeed! They want you to speak their language and to love their state of TEXAS. haha I saw a bumber sticker the other day that read I'm from Texas. What country are you from? Oh dear, that is a statement that everyone who lives here believes in their hearts to be true. Its kind of cute. The bishop asked me from the pulpit yesterday to bear my testimony. Clearly I didn't know what he said. All I heard was my name and witnessed heads turn in my direction. I knew something wasn't quite right... Then my companion pushed me off the bench and I stumbled up to the front. Oh dear, that was the longest walk I think I've ever taken and I've been on a good amount of walks in my life. Once I got up to the pulpit I thought, this ward just doubled in the hour it took me to get up here! There were so many people! Thankfully I knew most of them and they were all just smiling and giving me the thumbs up sign and great big nods of encouragement. I don't exactly know what I said but most of them told me they understood and that it was the funniest thing they'd seen all week. Most of the youth came up afterwards and hugged me, said that they couldn't stop laughing when I was up there and then told me they wanted to go on splits with me. I love my ward:) This is a golden area. We haven't found too many people yet but I know that as we press on and keep knocking, keep calling, and keep talking we will find them. The Lord will put them in our path. I cant speak Spanish yet but I have discovered more effective ways of communicating and it is through love and that is a language I know very well. I thank my father in heaven every day for this great gift that he has given me. I don't know how effective this work would be without it! I'm so thankful for these short 18 months that the lords has given me to discover the joy in his children. To be able to focus solely on his gospel and the vision of eternity. What a thrill it is to be here! I love you all and hope that everyone is happy and doing well. Talk to you in a week!

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