Monday, March 28, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 44

My sweetest family!
How is everyone!? Carlee, Thank you for your separate email each and every week! How I thrill at the experiences and life you are living with your wonderful (near perfect).... husband! Whats your last name again? Ha. But really... ? You sound like you're just doing amazing and so content with all that is going on around you. I'm so glad that you two were able to have such an amazing time in New York and then Orlando Florida. WOW! Too spoiled but you two deserve every second of it. I will try to get you a personal letter off today if at all possible.
Where do I even start?! I'm trying to get the recorder off too. I don't know if theres anything on it worth listening to but I'll send it your way today. My goodness. We had the most amazing miracle last night. I will first give you the background of how it all came about. About a week and a half ago Hermana Bullock and I went over with one of the ward missionaries to check on one of our investigators, Mario, who to be honest isn't really progressing and we had planned a "turning point" lesson (-aka drop lesson but I don't like to call it that). He was there with one of his friends. He told us to come back another time but immediately his friend, Santiago, said no! Come on in! He turned off the soccer game that they were watching and pulled chairs into the family room for all of us to sit on. He sat at the end of the couch ready and eager to hear and discuss the "word of god". We proceeded to teach the Restoration of the gospel and invited him to read and pray about the book of Mormon. The spirit was strong during the lesson and by the end he had committed to be baptized if he were to find out that these things were true. We walked out feeling good and excited about it. We set up another appointment with him for a couple of days later. We planned to do a church tour and watch the restoration video. The same member missionary ended up accompanying us and provided the transportation for the to get to the chapel. We had a quick tour of the building and answered his questions to the best of our ability. We sat down in a room and reviewed the apostasy and the promise that the lord gives in 2 nephi 25:17. That he will extend his hand again a second time to recover his people from their lost and fallen state. We then watched the Restoration video and when it ended we bore witness of the truthfullness and fulfillment of the gospel and Joseph Smith. We asked him how he felt and he went off about soemthing completely random. We kept trying to bring it back but he was distracted with other things. After that, we walked to the baptismal font and there, committed him to be baptized by somebody holding the priesthood authority of god. He then told us that he could never be rebaptized and so and and so on. Right then one of the solid members in our ward walked into the room (miracle) and we asked what it meant to him to have the priesthood authority of god back on the earth after centuries of being lost. He bore the most beautiful testimony I've heard in a long time. By the end we decided that he wasn't quite prepared at the moment and told him to call us if he had interest in learning more. Once again, that was about a week and a half ago and last night just as we were about to go to sleep the phone rang. It was Santiago calling. Hermana Bullock didn't want to answer it but I told her just to see what he wanted. It truly was the most amazing phone call one could ever hope to receive. It was Santiago on the other end expressing his desire and excitement to learn more. He'd been reading the book of Mormon. He talked about the Vision that Lehi and Nephi saw, he talked about the tree of life and his amazement that Nephi saw the mother of Jesus. He talked about the waters of Mormon and Alma being given the Authority to baptize. He talked about the importance of the authority. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! He said I've watched the Joseph Smith movie over and over and I know its true. Can you hear it? (He held the phone up to the TV, the Joseph smith movie was playing haha) He just kept saying I want to know more. I just feel excited! Hermana Bullock was telling him that it was the spirit that he was feeling.
Can you believe that!? I couldn't go to sleep last night. I couldn't stop smiling! Last night my joy was full and I cant thank my Heavenly Father enough for giving me this incredible experience to work with his children here on earth. To help them find there way back. What a rewarding time this is. I'm in it forever. Theres no greater feeling in the entire world! I love you all and will talk to you soon!

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