Monday, March 21, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 43

Hello my sweet family!
How is everyone doing? Thank you for all the updates and exciting news going on in Utah. YAY FOR PAIGE AND BRYCE! My goodness, that is too exciting. Bryce will pass these last few semesters with flying colors. There is not one doubt in my mind. Faith! Faith! Faith brings the miracles! That what I wish our investigators had a little more of. Faith that Joseph Smith in reality saw our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Faith that in all actuality they can indeed receive answers to their prayers. Faith that they are loved more than they can imagine and that there is a plan layed out specifically for them. I needed to take a piece of my own council and have the faith that I will learn Spanish and that I'm worthy to be out here. Ha. It honestly is the most humbling process and experience. I love every part of this mission. Every detail and command. I'm so thankful that I'm not the one calling the shots. That all I need to do is follow and obey and everything works out just as it should. Sometimes I get a little sick at the personal weaknesses, subtle distractions, and little lies from Satan and his minions but my goodness, we have a work to perform!
Right now I'm so thankful for the sure promises that we have the opportunity to read about in the book of Mormon. No wonder life gets hard when we slack on picking up the book of Mormon. We start to forget all the blessings that lay in store for the righteous. All the happiness and Joy that comes when we keep the commandments of the lord. Which were set in place for that very purpose. So that we might have joy! It is nothing new. They've been around since the fall of Adam and they are still put in place today. We cannot afford to rest that book. To pray casually. Satan doesn't mess around. He is there at our every turn and if we don't dress ourselves every morning with the armor of god, with his strength and righteousness that only comes when we feast upon his word, when we kneel down and pray for our wills to be aligned with his, then Satan attacks and we fall. We are weak. That's really all there is to it. We just don't have what it takes to combat the adversary. We cant do it. But the lord can. He can and he has and he does.
I'm sorry I do not have much time left but know that we're working, teaching, and preaching the gospel and we're loving every second of it. We taught a wonderful lesson to a new investigator yesterday. Santiago. He's full of faith and truly wants to follow the savior. We are praying that we can bring that spirit, the convincing power and witness that what we are saying is true and that he can gain a further witness through prayer and reading the book of Mormon. I love you all and hope that you're healthy and happy. I pray for you cant wait to hear back from you! Love you Love you!

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