Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lindsey: Letter 2

My Dear sweet family!

How is everyone?! Thank you for you letters of support and encouragement. I assure you they are all needed and it thrills my soul every time I'm handed anything with a stamp on it:) All you elders can relate I'm sure.... Everything in my life could not be better. I truly cant think of anywhere I would rather be than in training for the lords service. Being taught by the most inspired group of young returned missionaries there ever was. It's funny how many young men I've run into from my high school! They each have had the biggest look of surprise when they recognize me! What could that mean.....? Ha. Everyone here could not be sweeter and for that I'm am so thankful. They are all so quick to build and uplift. What a treat it is to be in their presence.

Well what can I tell you? I still am not able to speak Spanish but I feel that I improve everyday with the lords help and am confident with continuous hard work it will come. Line upon line here a little there a little. Dad, I promise we will speak soon:) Continue praying for me. I have loved preach my gospel more than I can say! It has given me a better understanding of who Jesus Christ really is, of his life here on the earth, and of his gospel he organized during his ministry. There is power in that manual and I cant say enough about it.

I have the opportunity to attend the temple today! I'm so excited. P-days are my absolute favorite for this one reason (besides writing you...) I don't know if I'm old or wise enough to be allowed to enter and try to understand some of the things that are preformed there but I love the spirit that dwells in the house of the lord. Such a peace and calm assurance that we are truly gods children and that he loves us more than any of us will ever understand. That is why I am here. To tell the world of their loving father in heaven and their personal savior Jesus Christ who knows them each individually and who desires with his whole soul for us to come unto him, follow his example, repent, be baptized, and endure to the end with him by our side. We are not alone in this world. We have been given so many amazing gifts from our father in heaven. Too great to fully understand, but I know that I feel of his love throughout everyday that I am here. I'm so thankful for my wonderful family he allowed me to be born into. You all are my best friends and I cant express enough my overwhelming sense of gratitude to be able to live with you forever with the father and the son. Can you imagine what life would be like without each other! Lets not! What an awful thought. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for raising me in all the right ways. I know you think you could have done better but I'm here to say that you did everything absolutely right with me. Everything in life has led me up to this point and I cant thank you enough for getting me to this point. I love you all with my whole soul! My time is counting down once again. I wish I could say more... The gospel is true! It is our one true way to happiness. I promise. Love you Love you!

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