Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lance Letter 4.26.11

We were blessed to have a baptism last Saturday. Victor de la rocha vasquez entered into the waters of baptism. The spirit was so strong and our ward mission leader asked me to share my testimony at the end. A lot of non members were there and they were in tears, maybe because of all the garlic down here, but i think it was the holy ghost touching their hearts. Next Saturday we should be having another baptism ,Keeane Snachez. She's only 12 but is making the best decision of her life.
Oh, there was this girl at victors baptism who is going to houston south spanish speaking mission. I told her that my sister would train her. HA ....
Thank you for everything. I love you all

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 47

Hello hello! Listen to how funny this is... After going weeks without mail I came home a few nights ago and imagine my surprise to find three beautiful envelopes with return addresses from Heather my best friend, Lance (also my best friend and brother) and my sweet Parents. My goodness, they could not have come at a better time. Thank you thank you for listening to the promptings of the holy ghost and taking the time to sit and write what is going on in your lives and a few words of encouragement. No one will know how sweet it is to get a letter from family until they serve a mission. Well, that may or may not be true but it is how I feel. I love you all and I'm so thrilled to hear that everything is going well and even great in your lives!
Ryan, my baby brother is not a baby any more! I couldn't believe who I was listening to! You're a teenager! Not quite a man but certainly on your way! That honestly is a scary thought to me. I'm certain my mouth was open thee entire time that I was listening to your voice. I know that change is certain, we've heard that time and time again from our wonderful prophet but as you're growing up, make sure that you're growing up in a way that would be pleasing to your Heavenly Father. Don't do anything that would disappoint him. Always keep in mind who you really are and what that means. What your example means to those that you spend your time around. Don't use sloppy and silly words that will later on become a burden to get rid of. Make sure that your speech matches who you are as a son of god with divine potential Even though you are spending time with girls I hope you are careful to remind them who they are and what they're worth through the way that your treat them. It is difficult to really come to know yourself in High school, especially when mixed signals are being thrown at you right and left from every direction. You be the one to step up and lead. Be the one to build and inspire, do fun activities that are uplifting and edifying. Go on hikes in groups, go play at the lake, get a group together and go do baptisms for the dead and then have a little devotional after. There are a million things that you can to besides "hanging out" Oh yikes. Don't hang out! Go do something productive. Go make some fun memories and help people figure out who they are and what they're worth! That is your assignment ok. I'm committing you right now. Take the lead on this. Will you find a group of good kids, get together on the weekend and have a council about how your can help other people get involved. Those that normally wouldn't be so quick to invite themselves. You invite them. Reach out. I know you can. Heavenly Father didn't bless you with all the gifts you have for no reason, or to be used in a later time. Use them now! Council with the lord and he will enlighten your mind with good ideas and fun activities. You'll know that it is from the lord if you're excited about it and you're thoughts start to build on each other. That is the power of revelation.
Mom, I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible experience with baby Logan! You poor thing. Of course you would find him though. He was never really lost. He just kinda wandered away for a bit. How your soul must have rejoiced when dad came walking up with that little baby in his arms, a little dirty but with a great big grin on his face. Yes, I can imagine you breaking into sobs of relief and joy to have him back into your presence. How rewarding this work is. Every second of it. We are the lords servants. We're looking for his lost sheep and I'm telling you it's not always an easy task. But every step is worth it. because it brings us that much closer to the one. So many emotions involved. So many feelings. But the lord is with us. He loves his children with his whole heart and soul and he is pleading for us to get it together so that we can have his spirit to be with us. He knows where is lost sheep are and if we're not in tune how can we ever help him? How can we ever make it back without his spirit guiding us. We can't. How can we make it back if we don't do exactly what he asks of us? Why does he require it? Why does he ask it? Because he knows! He already knows what sin and transgression lead to. He knows what living "of" the world results in. Why do we ask questions? Why do we feel like we know better? Isn't his word enough? It is! It doesn't matter that we don't know the in's and out's of it all. We just put our trust in him and say ok. I'm done doing what "I" want to do. I want to do what "you" want me to do. We say that because it is the smartest thing to do. It is the only thing to do if we want what he has, and what he has is everything. Oh I love you all. I just get a little frustrated at times when I feel like we've found the one and they end up not being "ready" to comply, not ready to receive the greatest rewards that come only from righteous living and saving ordinances at baptism and in the temple. Thank you for doing all that you can to have his spirit in your lives. Even if all we can isn't all that great. That's all he asks of us. Just do your best and follow me. Clearly, we're going to get a little dirty along the way but that is what the atonement is for. That's why the Savior went before us. He knows whats coming up. He knows just the formula to get certain stains out. To get every stain out. Pen, oil, grease, chocolate, whatever. Pick your flavor. There is nothing too dirty that cannot be made perfectly white through the saviors atonement. I love you each of you with everything that I am and praise and honor your name. Have an amazing week and I will talk to you next monday!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 46

Hello Hello one and all! Thank you for your emails this week. Oh how I love hearing from you. I wont lie.. I feel like we've been air boxed (no mail) a little long then I'm used to but I keep telling myself that you really do love me and that your lives are just busy busy. That had better be the case! If I hear that Ryan wastes another hour in watching Rapunzel before getting a letter out to me he's going to be in big T-rouble. I hope that he knows how much I love and miss him. What a special boy he his. I say bag football this year and next and all the years after and focus on what he really loves doing. I think that would be getting amazing grades. Excelling on the piano and becoming all he can be in Basketball. But.... I haven't been around for quite awhile and his passions may have changed. Tell him to take a photography class and maybe a cooking class. There are so many things that he can do now that will benefit him in the future. Things that will make him and others so happy! Tell him to dive into the scriptures and study the life of Jesus Christ and make those necessary changes to try to become more like him each day. Tell him how much I love and treasure him and know that if he councils with the lord in all of his doings he will never go wrong. He will be led aright and will have no need to worry about thing. Tell him that Lance and I are 100% behind him in all that he does and he will not be letting one person down by deciding not to go out for football. Do you hear that Ryan?! You will not be letting anyone down by doing what you want and feel is right to do. You can do and be anything you want to be and if that means investing your time in developing another talent then do it! No, that doesn't mean more time on the Nintendo... In fact throw that thing away and weigh your options. Cross country... Piano..... Cooking...... Photography....... Developing greater basketball skills..... Whatever. Now, if you do decide to go out for football then that is just great and I will look forward to cheering you on during the season. Now, once you have made that decision, go for it! Don't look back and wish you had done something else, move forward and give it your all and know that Lance and I will cheer you on in whatever you choose and may even ask you to teach us:) I love you sweet boy and just think that you are the very greatest!
I was so thrilled to hear about Lance and his bold invitation to come and listen to the prophets voice! I can imagine it perfectly and it brings the biggest smile to my face. How thankful I am for the example of my Brothers. I look up to them both so much and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for not sending me here alone to figure out how to make it back. I'm thankful for the living example of both you and dad, I'm thankful that the reason you know the gospel is because you live it every day. It is a part of you and who you are. Everything points to our success here on the earth. It is all in our favor to succeed. Everything has been set up perfectly for our ability to make it back to our Heavenly Father. But not only make it back as Elder Christofferson said but to become what he would have us be. We have been sent here to the earth to over come the Natural man, to kill it, to give up our will and turn it over to the lords, his divine power can then flow into our hearts and we begin to incorporate the divine Characteristics of our perfect example, our Savior Jesus Christ. We have the commandments to follow. The saving ordinances right there for us to make. To realize that there is something greater that we are working towards than anything the world has or could ever have to offer. We are working for eternal progression! Eternal Families! A fullness of Joy! Who in the world would want anything less than that?! The sad fact is that there are indeed people that would opt for something less, they don't want the responsibilities that come in obtaining these precious gifts, they don't want to make the necessary "sacrifices". Its not that they can't or that its too hard, they just don't understand what they are ultimately sacrificing by serving the natural man. How sad. Besides it being the only way, in all reality it is the easier way. I wish people understood the scriptures when the Savior says Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. That is truth. That is why we are here! That is why the lord has a grand army going forth and declaring to the world that there is something greater, a better way to live. A happier, easier, and sweeter way of life.
Ah! I'm sorry! I get passionate about this! I get frustrated when we get rejected over and over again! Especially when they don't even know what they're rejecting! I just want to grab them by the face and say you're going to sit and listen to us for 10 min and when we're done you can then tell us if you're going to reject our message.
We were a Laundry Mat on Saturday just contacting people, I made my way over to a women sitting on a seat, she held up her hand and said No thank you, I'm fine. I laughed as I sat down next to her I said "that's great, I'm fine too!" She laughed and for the following 15 min we had the sweetest conversation about her story and what brought her to the United States. She was from the Philipeans and was absolutely darling. By the end she wanted to know more about our message and promised she would go to mormon.org the second she returned home. If people would let us just sit and visit with them for 10 min, they could then feel the spirit working in them and leave them desiring more.
Damian is getting Baptized on May 1!! Damian the Agnostic, that had no belief in God and knew nothing of his Savior Jesus Christ. Yesterday after church we had a lesson about the gospel and invited him boldly to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority. He was nervous but couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't stop smiling! What an amazing person he is.
I'm so sorry this is getting a bit long but I love you all and I testify of the living reality of our Savior Jesus Christ, that he is the way, the truth and the light and no one will be entering back into our heavenly fathers presence without following his son. Without taking the necessary steps, keeping his commandments, and enduring to the end. I love you! Write me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lance Letter 4.5.11

Dear Family!
Holy smokes it's been a busy week. I had a lot of meetings to go to, we had a goal to contact 100 people to attend general conference and the weather was 90 degrees. So one week it was a down pour and the next ...90*. But we were able to preach the gospel. In fact we were standing out side of the library last week and there were about 20 or 30 people all waiting for the library to open, and I received the courage and asked for everyones' attention...they all turned and looked....it was pretty scary, but I invited every single one to hear the words of a living prophet on the following Saturday....and not one showed up haha.... but I felt great and am more bold when I invite people to make and keep commitments. The gospels true so why not be bold!
Today one Mirsha Sanchez's (investigator) Daughter (Keeane) committed to be baptized on the 23rd and we''ll be working towards that this month.
Elder Bruderer is from Massachusets, Close to Boston. Mathuen? I think. Anyways he's great. His family are converts to the church except his dad.
Ryan, The Jersey is at the Stevenson home. Nate had it before I left. so ask his mom or dad, they'll find it i'm sure.
I'll be able to call you on Mothers Day which is not too far away.
My favorite talk...hmmmm....Thats a good question. I liked Cristophersons,Hollands,Packers Etc etc... I loved them all.
Like I said the weather is super warm now. but nothing compared to St. George's blazing heat; but it's warmer with the shirt and tie!
Everyone is real nice here and the work seems to continue despite our imperfections.
I'll pray for Bryce and wish him luck.
We're really focusing on the Atonement this month as a mission and i enjoyed the talk that was given by Bruce R. McConkie in the Ensign.
It's true!
Love you all and will keep each one of you in my prayers.
Love Elder Porter

Lance Letter 3.29.11

Sorry I don't have a lot of time. I've been so busy for the past two or three weeks. So on the 19th Jerry Lema was baptized and on the 26th Julian Lara was baptized. Each baptism was incredible! The spirit is always so strong. Julian is only 10 years old and has no support from anyone. He's the most independent kid I've met. He rides the bus and his bike around San Jose and made the decision to be baptized on his own. Matthew Roman is a good friend of his and the ward has been super kind to him. It just humbles me more and more at all the blessings we've received.
The Gospels true, never leave the faith.
Ps Have fun in New York and be safe!
Love, Elder Porter

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lindsey: Letter 45

Hello Hello! It sounds like a lot is going on. Paige coming home, Janine getting married, conference just getting over, you just arrived home from New York, Tanner and Michael getting married. Ha just kidding but maybe....? Wow, what an amazing Conference we just experienced. Every word was inspired and of course, like most of you, I felt as though each talk was directed towards me.
We had the opportunity to attend Ericka Murillo's baptism on Sunday. We found and taught her but decided that she would probably be more comfortable attending the English ward. What a sweet experience that was. I know that the lord has great things in store for those that love him and keep his commandments. Ericka is one of those people. How blessed we are to have the opportunity to make covenants, promises with our Heavenly Father that we will do what he asks of us and in return we are blessed far more in abundance than anything we could ever imagine. That is where our Faith and trust comes in. We must walk with confidence that the lord does fulfill his promises to his children. That he loves us. He desires our success and happiness in life and he plans accordingly but if we don't keep our end of the bargain how can he keep his? I'm so thankful for the simple terms that he sets. That we will keep his commandments and remember our Savior Jesus Christ. Though simple, it is not always easy. How thankful we are for the atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For the surety that we indeed can be made clean, we can become unspotted from the world and do better each day through his great sacrifice. I'm thankful that we get to renew our baptismal covenants each week when we partake of the sacrament. I'm thankful for the blessing of being able to have the eternal perspective continually before us as we enter the house of the lord and do that sacred work for those that are not able to do it for themselves. We are a blessed people.
We have a few baptismal dates coming up here soon and we pray that they can hold strong and keep their commitments through this time when Satan will be working his hardest on them. He's something else ya know? We are working hard and in fact have decided to cut our pdays down and focus a bit more on the work of the lord. Instead of setting our appointments for 6:00 we will now start them at 4:00. So far it has worked great and I wont be surprised if we decide to move it up earlier than that.
How fun that Paige will be coming home Tomorrow! Will you please tell her that I love her and miss her and would absolutely love to hear from her! I know that may not sound to fun considering that I have not been the best writer in her direction but I would love to know how she's feeling, what she's thinking about, life, being a mom, Michigan. I really do miss her and want her to know that she's my hero.
Mom and Dad, I'm so glad to hear that you had such a fun time in New York! You'll have to write me and tell me a little more about it. What a sweet experience to be with the sweet missionaries on the plane! I can completely relate to that feeling of wanting to be out of the MTC and into the field. However, I truly to love every second of the MTC and am looking forward to volunteering there when the time comes.
I'm sending home a package with my letters, pictures, and journal inside. I didn't know where to put it all! If you want to just stick it the guest house that would be so wonderful! I love each of you with all of my heart and want you to know that I'm doing extremely well. I'm so blessed to be out here, partaking of the greatest work in all of the world. What a blessing to continue it in every form throughout life. Have an amazing week and I hope to hear from you soon!
Hermana Porter